Monday, June 05, 2006


My Bali travel entries have finally came to an end today!! ...*phew*...Yes, it's an overdue entries... Finally got that over and done with, and I guess I could move on now?? ...(I hope my brain is catching the overdue flight back to Melb tonight as I think I left it in Bali!!!)...

Well, it's quite a strange feeling as ever since I came back from Bali, there's not a single day that I don't miss or recall those bits and pieces in Bali... Walked past KFC or McDonald would also remind me of Bali (cos their KFC and McDonald comes with rice?!)...Saw my tatts and reminds me of Bali again... and etc etc etc... hmmmph...

I felt as if I've been living in a different dimension... Like my body is here but my mind wasn't... cos it's either still in Bali or at The Lake House... *muahahaha*...

Anyway, now that I have completed the Bali Travel entries, I guess I would give myself a few more days to say my final good-byes before I completely move on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa.. lady.. move on now.. towards what? real life stuff or daydreaming stuff? hey.. face it.. u're still balisizing.. no waY you'll be keanutized if it weren't for ME!! by the way: