Sunday, December 24, 2006

Visitor from Perth - Day 1

[ liang jing ru ] nuan nuan

Woke up today at 5am to pack a few things before picking up Rabbit from the airport... Yes, I have a visitor and I have such a big responsibility now as Melb's reputations will be on my shoulders now... =P

Well, we were both pretty tired after coming back from the airport, and we tried to get some sleep? ...but my tummy couldn't stop making noises... At last we decided to get up and have big breakfast at St Kilda Beach as we could also check out the Sunday Market there... Anyway, the breakfast was great, and the market wasn't that crowded due to it was still early... We then went for a walk at the beach...

Since we were around the area, I decided to take Rabbit to Brighton to check out some colorful and pretty Bath Houses before we headed to Port Melb to check out Mirvac's townhouses... After that, we went to Williamstown via beautiful West Gate Bridge... Williamstown has a great view of the city from the opposite of Port Melb sea... but we didn't really get to walk around Williamstown due to too windy... We then went to Footscray to check out the Vietnamese community before we head home for another afternoon nap (for me only cos I was extremely tired)... hehe

I had 2 hours of Super Power Nap before we headed back to city for another drive... We went to Rememberance Shrine and took lotsa photos before we walked around in Botanica Garden... The weather became pretty bad and I was only able to show her around the city and Dockland by car... After that we went to Chinatown to have dinner and head home...

Covered quite a lot today actually... Let's hope the coming days would cover more (I doubt it, cos the weather is terrible!! ...Hail, rain, and extremely cold wind... and its Summer now?!! ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah.. host has TOP MARKS for her wonderful photography work and kind hospitality... Perth visitor awards 20 out of 10 marks!! :)