Sunday, January 21, 2007

Theme Party "W"

[ the beatles ] white my guitar gently weeps

It was a great party... Fabulous food, nice big tend at the backyard, the one man band plays awesome classic rock songs and he did pretty well on Hotel California... Theme party rocks!!!!!

My first time going to a theme party which I only had one week to get prepared and searched for a costume that starts with "W"... Didn't manage to come up with any CREATIVE ideas like the others... and guess what? ...WATER MELON won the best costume!!! ...hehee... (No photos yet but I believe the birthday girl will send us the photo to show us next week!)...

There's many of my kinds at the party - Witches... Most of them looks wicked and scary as if it was a Halloween Party... hehee... and me the Good Witch (as my colleagues called me) casted two good spells on my two colleagues... Hope their hearts will mend and better days will come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a charming kai-ma!! Where's your magic broomstick? =)

*_* Baby Brandon ^_^