Ever since I have done one of the right thing on Wednesday... it was as if I have placed my white stone firmly on the Go-chess board to shape the game a little... but it's still a new game... So much space and the black and white stones still haven't formed a shape and they certainly have not showed their true colors as yet... The board is still filled with many uncertainties and unpredictable moves...
I since have been trying to analyze and trying to predict the future's moves but I guess it was something that I shouldn't have done because it only troubles me more especially when I could not find any answer... I guess I have to remind myself not to worry nor think too much as it's actually the JOURNEY that counts after all...
I since have been trying to analyze and trying to predict the future's moves but I guess it was something that I shouldn't have done because it only troubles me more especially when I could not find any answer... I guess I have to remind myself not to worry nor think too much as it's actually the JOURNEY that counts after all...
Anyway, we had lunch at a Korean restaurant called 7 & 7 at Carnegie... I think the "Hot Pot not Hot" Korean restaurant in the city is slightly better... =) ...Went to Safeway to get a bit of stuff and watched Apocolypto together... I think this was the 3rd time I've watched this movie but still find myself enjoying it very very much...

Was it just coincidence or was the timing so perfect that Herald Sun came up with such documentaries for him to collect? ...Unbelievable... Why is it seems so easy for him to do something so sweet and beautiful?
I don't know what to do in return... I am a little unsure... I still could not analyze how this board game would turn out...
Timing is such a vital thing in life, isn't it? ...
Is this my turn to place the white stone on the board now? ...and if so, where shall I land my next white stone? ...and are you sure you wanna land your black stone there or shall you just hold and think before you put it down?
hmmm... Maybe we shall play "Tell The Truth" instead??
OMG I was watching Apocalypto last night too!
Great mind think alike... *wink*
yah.. I know.. it's hard to handle when ppl think like my great mind.. muahahahahahhaha
apala.. how come turn the blog into those invite only thing?? lol
go go go
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