Saturday, January 26, 2008

1st Saturday...

[ 盧巧音 & 王力宏 ] 好心分手

My 1st very own Saturday... on Australia Day...

I spent the day with a good friend whom I last seen since last November... to catch up, to bitch about the ups and downs in our lives (he blah-blah-blah more than I did!!), to eat and drink like people who hasn't eaten for ages, and to comfort each other! Though it was just a few hours in the afternoon, but it was still one great step to keep myself occupied...

Bro's family is home for dinner and I was busy playing with Russell (the doggy) with the tennis ball... I was meant to throw the tennis ball very hard on the floor so that it would bounce back in the air, and Russell could jump and catch it.... and I accidentally hit Russell's eyes with the tennis ball!!! ...I knew it was very painful because I hit it hard... Poor Russell was in pain and I felt terrible!!!! ...Thankfully after a few minutes of short rest, he was active and running about again.... *phew*... but I still feel terrible for hitting him... Poor Russell, I buy you pig's ears next time... =)

At the moment, I'm kinda at my anti-social mood... I wish not to meet anyone nor talk to anyone about anything... It's still very uncomfortable (with mixed feelings)... but I promise I'll come out and play when I have enough rest... Looking forward to March for my Tassie trip with Rabbit and my brother's wedding...

I'll spend some time working on my next project... I'll have more time now...

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