Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Finally Met after 11yrs

[ 古巨基 ] 劲歌金曲2 - 情歌王

Sunday night I finally met up with a good friend whom I have known for 11 long years... I'm very happy to have finally met him in person after all those years... Though it was the first time we met in person, but we felt as if we have known each other for ages and it was great and we can chat non-stop if time wasn't the limit.

I was actually meant to meet up with him on Monday night after his D&D but my body was not up for it as I was still not fully recovered and I was feeling very weak and tired after my first day back to work... It's a pity...

Anyway, I managed to meet up with him for a quick dinner today after work, and sent him off to airport for him to catch his flight back to Perth... Thank goodness he managed to catch his flight on time (cos we were kinda running a little late)...

Well, hopefully we shall meet again someday soon...

Hmmm... who else I haven't met in person after all these years?
...Jason & Kenneth!


汉铨 said...

I wish i arranged to stay a few more days in Melbourne that time .. so we can catch up a few more times...

Han said...

Pitty that was the first time and my last time to meet you ....

I can remember we used to call up each other and give each other sh*t on Valentine's Day ..

Missing you my dear friend.., wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day.