Saturday, April 26, 2008

Room Full of Junks

[ trans-siberian orchestra ] requiem

Just taking a short break from tidying my room... Phew! ...I have spent the whole morning sorting through all the books, magazines, old text books, notes that I have collected all those years... and it's time to say good-bye to them...

I always dreamt of having a home library like Prof. Higgins in "My Fair Lady"... but since I don't have a big house and places to keep all the National Geographic and New Scientists and other books I have kept over the years... I guess the best way is to donate them to Salvation Army or library rather than have them sitting in my room collecting dusts... (Note: I still have lotsa Desktop Mags and other books that I needed to sort through before I decide whether to throw or to keep... sigh!)

Next task is to tidy up my DESK... and my WARDROBE too... Ahhh... Thinking about tidying up the wardrobe already giving me massive headache...

I guess I just have to keep reminding myself to :-
1 - Throw anything that I haven't touched/used for 6 months.
2 - Keep my room simply, clean and as empty as possible.
3 - Do not ever collect things thinking that it might be useful one day.
4 - Do not buy things that is not necessary ever!!

Yes, my Saturday and Sunday will be spent on tidying my room!


Rabbit said...

Clutter clearing is good!! i have ltd wardrobe space so when the new comes in.. out goes the old .. :D

OoKi said...

I have thrown two big bags of clothing to Salvation Army... and I have thrown 2 big boxes of books too... and 4 bags full of shredded papers for recycle... my room still look pretty much THE SAME!! ...still looks like there's a lot of junk! ...