Friday, May 09, 2008

Bye Bye to Yarns

[ vista ] lucia di lammermoor

I was into knitting scarfs few years ago, and I have bought so many yarns back then... Some of the yarns still not yet get to be transformed into beautiful scarfs yet... and I must admit it is actually tougher for me to give away the beautiful yarns than to shred my dairies/photos...

Anyway, I have given away a bag full of yarns but there's this two types/colors of yarn which I find it hard to let go of... And the only way to save the yarn from going to Salvation Army, is to start knitting and transform them into beautiful scarf for myself to wear since the weather has started to turn cold!! ...

Yes, this whole week I have been spending all my nights knitting two scarfs... I was using size-10 big needles to knit the scarfs so that I could get them done sooner... And they are now done and I absolutely love them!! ...I will not simply buy yarns to keep anymore unless I make sure I'll knit them immediately instead of letting them sitting around and become a burden...

Anyway, my next task is Desktop/Art & Design mags...

Just so you wonder... I need to sort out all the things in my room and things that I need to keep (to very minimal) and get them organized before I could START a new page... It has to be different to the way I used to do things... It's like I need to "detox" before I could start a new... that kinda feeling... (or IF I lose my battle, at least I don't leave too many messy things behind for my family)...

It works both ways I guess... but I'm more focus on my NEW START and to fulfill MY DREAM than the negative thoughts...


Gerald Lim said...

why so many bye bye posts one?!?

OoKi said...

Initially was going to make a BYE BYE to Desktop/Art&Design Mags... but unable to because I find it hard to cut them out ... so the magz still sitting on my bookshelf... =/