Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Demons, Angels, Green Fairy in us...

[ panic! at the disco ] i write sin not tragedy

First page of the book they wrote, "Thank you for helping us with our Demons, and being the Angel that you are"... They gave me a set of Dan Brown's books because I bought them Green Fairy from my Bali trip last month... [sweet]

I had a sip of Green Fairy few weeks ago with them... Fabulous drink!!! ...I am surprised that I still managed to work after drinking a small glass... hehe...

Green Fairy has a long and interesting history... 19 century favour by the Bohemian poets, artists and musicians... They said the famous Toulouse Lautrec carried it in his hollowed cane... and they also said Van Gough cut off his ear after drinking it as well... The Green Fairy was once banned too in Europe...

Anyway, any [Moulin Rouge] movie lovers here? ...Remember the Green Fairy [Kylie Minogue] appears in the scene where all the musicians and artists was drunk at the apartment? This is the drink that they were having... =)
"The first stage is like ordinary drinking, the second is when you begin to see monstrous cruel things, but if you persevere you will enter upon the third stage where you see things that you want to see, wonderful curious things." -- Oscar Wilde on Absinth.
I wanna try it out one day and exprience the 2nd and 3rd stage like they said!!! ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is only recently they removed the banned for Absinthe in Europe, and it is only for the 'watered' version, nothing lethal.

I asked my UK fren to bring it for me unfortunately she had to travel to HK 1st, so there goes my chance to taste the Green Fairy...

Oh ya, Marilyn Manson only drinks Absinthe too... they sell it iz Oz? If yes, another good reason to go down under..