Friday, January 04, 2008

Hobby & Interest

[ matchbox 20 ] how far we have come

I have never thought of what's the difference between hobby and interest... I always thought a hobby is something that we enjoy doing regularly, and interest is something that we like to do but may not get to do as often as a hobby?? (I think my guess was pretty close to the definition... kekeke... Yeah, whatever!)

So, does day-dreaming, sleep, food and surfing net considered as a hobby?


Rabbit said...

Let me give you a very obvious example.
hobby = movies, surfing the net, daydreaming
Interest = Keanu Reeves.

Crystal clear??

Interest doesn't mean don't get to do often.. it's something one is absolutely passionate about regardless of whether one does something about it

Yes, the level of frequency is apparent for hobbies.. but an interest has a wider spectrum than hobby.

Enough pep talk? hahahha

OoKi said...

errr... if that's so.... then i actually have many many hobbies and many many interestssssss.... =))

Gerald Lim said...

yeah.. what rabbit said.. hehe