Saturday, June 21, 2008

BEAUTY In ALL of us....

There's an old Chinese saying, "人之初, 性本善"... meaning "Human is born with pure and good nature"... I'm sure the pure and good nature is still living deep down inside all of us...

But as we grow older, we are "polluted" by all the temptations in this world... and we started to develop more bad habits, imperfect personality & character, and frame of mind...

Therefore, contemplation of our own thoughts, feelings, and self-examination is a very important process if we want to become a "better person" or "reach back to our pure/good nature"...


This morning, I have planned how I would spend my morning before I even got up from bed... and as I was having my breakfast, mom joined me and she started to talk to me and share some of her stories with me... As I was listening to her, I started to think about my own plans too (because I wanted to do other things)... and then I started to feel a little "impatience"... and just as the "feeling of impatience" surfaced, I straight away have "AWARENESS" that I am actually placing "MYSELF" first before others... as it's all about "ME, ME, ME"...

Being "Me Me Me" or "being Selfish" will always bring out the imperfection of us... Like I was thinking about "Myself" today and I BECAME "impatient"... and being "impatience" will certainly lead to other feelings or actions (ie. started to feel "unhappy" and may start to say some "unpleasant" things to stop the others from talking more, or etc? ...i don't know??)

Anyway, I am glad that I have been in touch with my AWARENESS of my own actions and feelings these days, and I reflected myself and my feelings and my actions daily...

I am glad that I was able to acknowledge the "impatient feeling" I had, and able to reflect myself immediately... and straight away I was feeling great and start to APPRECIATE and TREASURE the special moment with mum... and listen and be part of her experiences... just because I know I will put her before me... =)


So friends, take some time to reflect yourself from time to time...
To understand and to improve yourself...

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