Saturday, June 28, 2008

Slowing Down...

Feeling very confused today...
It has been a ROLLER COASTER ride the past few weeks...

I think I tried to fit too much into my brain and trying to learn as much as I could during the short period of time... and I think I started to have a bit of "side effects" now... I'm actually forgetting things that I should do during my day (at times!)... Things that I have read, I knew I have read them and understood them while I was reading, but they still look so "new" to me when I read them again NOW... as if the feeling of "Ahh, I knew this but now it all made sense again"...

I need to slow down now...
I need to take my time...
I need to let myself rest...
I need to relax...
I need to have my own space...
I need to have my own peacefulness...

We always rush through our days... everyday...
Never slow down to give ourselves some Private Time to BREATH...

So how's your day TODAY? ...
Did you do something that worth you saying you have fully lived "today"? ................

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