Friday, July 18, 2008


Either we are forgetful or we are pushing our luck? ...

Just like little kids playing with candle lights... when the light accidentally burned their cute tinny little finger... Ok, they know it's painful and they might not wanna play with candles anymore...

Next day, they may still remember the pain...
Ok, better find something else to play...

Few days later, feeling bored? ...

Hey, what's on the table? ...Candle lights!!
Wait a minute, it's painful if I get burned...
But that was the other day...
Maybe today would be different? ...


Anyway, I don't think there's any "right" or "wrong" about this...
It all depends on your "wisdom" - to choose to be forgetful or not...
As all situation is different...

Interesting Sites for the Day...

1. Buddhism as an Education - A path to Enlightenment

2. Mellen-Thomas Benedict's - near death experience to the light & back

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tips 1

1. When little kids offer you some lollies/food, do accept and take it...
--> If the parents always ask the kids to keep the lollies (because they love their children of course!) and refuse to take them... the kids may one day grow up and stop "offering" things to their parents because they "thought" their parents would refuse to take things from them like usual anyway...

2. Even if you have conflicts or problems with your "In-Law", always tell others that your "In-Law" is wonderful.
--> This would prevent any further problems or may as well "solved" the issues between both of you, because knowing you are not complaining to everyone, but praising her/him, she'd feel not only good but also can't complain about you as well... Perhaps you two may soon make peace due to that!

3. Every parents / elderly should owned a Light & Warm Down Jacket (羽绒服) during cold season.
--> Keeping them warm and light enough to wear... Trust me, when we gets older, clothing that is thick and HEAVY could be a burden / problem... To conserve energy for the elderly and to help them walk around without too much "weight"... Light-weight-warm-down-jacket is a must!
(Note: How to choose down jacket (1) (2)...

4. House Design... things you may consider cos you'll grow old one fine day...
--> Higher Toilet Seat - When you gets older, it's harder to "get up" from seats that's too low.
--> Double Doors for all entries (house/rooms) - Easy access for the wheelchairs or furnitures.
--> Timber / Concrete Floor (less carpet the better!) - No need to vacuums/Less bacteria!
--> Open Living Design - more space and easy access for everybody.
--> Lotsa compartments for wardrobe (around waist height).
--> Probably more but haven't thought of them yet... hmm!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Be aware of what we do...
Be aware of how we carry out ourselves...
Be aware of what we say...

Read an Article about sometimes we influenced or affect people in an unconscious way...

Just like standing at the traffic light and you look up the sky and stare for 5mins...
Everyone around you would follow you to check out the sky as well...
Though it only affected them for just a few seconds...
But the point is... it did kinda "influenced" the others...

So... even the smallest thing that we do in our lives...
It does influence or have some sort of impact to someone, something, somehow... We just didn't notice only...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

20th July Food Fair @ Fremantle

Hello People in PERTH!!

Cyclone Nargis in Burma has left a population of injured, sick, homeless and hungry, especially children, needing our urgent attention.

Consequently the Buddhist Council of WA, the Australia Burma Buddhist Association and other Buddhist groups have organized a Food Fair Fundraiser...

Bring friends and family to enjoy a family day on Sunday at Fremantle Esplanade and do some good cause for the people in Burma...

10.00am – 4pm

Sunday, July 06, 2008


A lot of loving, kind, caring people would love to visit me...
They care a lot, that's why they want to do so, so much...

I can see their love and care and they wished to help and show support...
I want to accept and make them feel happy for doing something nice for me...
Yet I don't know how to handle the other part...

Which is... their worries, helpless feeling as they know they could only do so much...
And seeing me also hurts them inside and worries them...
And I'll start to feel terrible and would start to cry...
Because I don't want them to feel this way at all...

I still don't know yet how to deal with this...

Saturday, July 05, 2008


I think I am ready... if my time is going to come soon...
I somehow do wish my time would come sooner than later...
So that I would leave more peacefully without having to deal with more...
I know now is just the "beginning" of the long journey as there will be tougher time ahead... that's why part of me wished that if I could leave now, it would be great...

Then I started to think about maybe I could do something to make it happens more faster? Like taking my own control (yeah back to the "control" self again!)...

But then I slowly reaslised that... I should not "wished" anything or "expected" anything... Should wake up and feel thankful that I'm alive everyday, and make the fullest of the day... Instead of wishing that I could leave soon just to avoid suffering...

If my time has came naturally, and if it could end all suffering (myself and people around me)... that would be absolutely wonderful...

But If I were meant to go through more tougher journey ahead, I should also deal with it because it was meant to be...

Now, I could still give, and contribute and do more good things here...
I am still learning... I could still practice to be a better person...
I still have things that I could do to lighten up some responsibilities of people around me...
I could still help... I could still offer... I could still do so many things...

I feel better today! =)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Give Them A Chance

I think I was a "Control Freak"...
I like things to be under my control (who doesn't?)...

But sometimes, we do need to stop taking control...
We have to stop thinking we are always right and take away the rights from others..

Sometimes, we do need to let others taking control and decide...
So that they get the chance to show what they are thinking and feeling too...

Without the chance...
They are not able to express and show it...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Not Afraid to Accept Help

I used to deal with things myself and sort them out myself... I thought that would make me "independent" and "tough" and "strong"...

Nobody likes to be "weak" and "incapable"... Getting help from others would make us feel that way, I guess??

I have learned to see things differently after talking to mum...

She said, sometimes we have to allow others to "help" us when we needed... We have to "let" people care about us and "give" us the support they could... By allowing others to help us, their day would be more meaningful and that would make them happy too... and they'll have good karma next time...

Just a different perspective for you to consider when you're feeling down... or need any support or help... you know if you reach out your hands... someone will always be there...

A friend (Chuan) emailed this little piece of story that relates to the above:

一天, 佛陀在托钵时,一婆罗门来找佛陀辩论,声称为何僧团不自吃其力,没有耕种,而要去托钵。

? 把佛法传给四周围的人,叫做法布施。


DESK - 2

Hope you had some thoughts after reading my previous post... hehe
Hope the answer also sorta make a little sense to you...

"All that we are is the result of what he have thought;
it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts."