Hello People in PERTH!!
Cyclone Nargis in Burma has left a population of injured, sick, homeless and hungry, especially children, needing our urgent attention.
Consequently the Buddhist Council of WA, the Australia Burma Buddhist Association and other Buddhist groups have organized a Food Fair Fundraiser...
Bring friends and family to enjoy a family day on Sunday at Fremantle Esplanade and do some good cause for the people in Burma...
Cyclone Nargis in Burma has left a population of injured, sick, homeless and hungry, especially children, needing our urgent attention.
Consequently the Buddhist Council of WA, the Australia Burma Buddhist Association and other Buddhist groups have organized a Food Fair Fundraiser...
Bring friends and family to enjoy a family day on Sunday at Fremantle Esplanade and do some good cause for the people in Burma...
10.00am – 4pm
My thoughts were with you when I went to Freo that Sunday.. yes, I told you that I didn't want to go .. but I did!! yay!!
Mandy, 星期二早上,您还SMS我,问我Food Fair情况如何,让我在这里给您知道。
星期天一早7时许,义工已经开始在帮忙整体的布置和准备工作。9时许,人潮已开始进入义卖会场,大家都纷纷在忙。10时30 分,大会邀请代表洲長致词,然后由一西方法师(缅甸的住众),代表祈福祝祷。接着有一连串节目及乐团表演。12时许,会场进入热闹高峰,所有的远游卷已经卖光。人潮拥挤,2时许,会场所有摊位的食物几乎已经完全卖完了。预计当天的人次不少于5千人。
次日晚上,筹委会聚集在一起,把食物义卖的总收入做个统计,一共筹到6万余元,除去开支等费用计约1万左右,总余款5万千余元,将会全交给Safe the Children Australia, 由他们把钱汇入缅甸赈灾。
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