Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Not Afraid to Accept Help

I used to deal with things myself and sort them out myself... I thought that would make me "independent" and "tough" and "strong"...

Nobody likes to be "weak" and "incapable"... Getting help from others would make us feel that way, I guess??

I have learned to see things differently after talking to mum...

She said, sometimes we have to allow others to "help" us when we needed... We have to "let" people care about us and "give" us the support they could... By allowing others to help us, their day would be more meaningful and that would make them happy too... and they'll have good karma next time...

Just a different perspective for you to consider when you're feeling down... or need any support or help... you know if you reach out your hands... someone will always be there...

A friend (Chuan) emailed this little piece of story that relates to the above:

一天, 佛陀在托钵时,一婆罗门来找佛陀辩论,声称为何僧团不自吃其力,没有耕种,而要去托钵。

? 把佛法传给四周围的人,叫做法布施。


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