Monday, April 24, 2006

Robot Sushi Bar

Public Holidays (ANZ Day) tomorrow and we decided to have Japanese food for dinner and hopped into Robot Sushi Bar at Flinder's Lane for a drink after work.

This is my first time to Robot Sushi Bar and I find it quite alright. It has a bit of funky feeling especially with all those Japanese Anime and Techno-Culture kinda decorations. Tiny space with loungey seating at 2nd level... Almost everyone drink Asahi and Sake except me (probably because this is a Japanese bar??) ...As usual, I'm trying to be different... hohohoho...

Anyway, there's a lot of night spots and hidden bars in Melbourne city's alley... I've been to a few really really cool ones, but I have forgotten where about were they... See what alcohol could do to me? ...I bet if I had a drink or two today, you wouldn't be reading this blog now cos I probably have forgotten which bar I went to and my password to blogger... muahahahaha...

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