Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Want My Own Lake House Too!!! ...

Guess what? ...I have nothing better to do today, and went to check out The Lake House (somewhere only we know... =) ...Ooooooooooh my... I started to day dream again... (Thanks to you rabbit!)

Monday, May 29, 2006


I just remembered I have a Da Vinci Code's free movie ticket... yet I don't have any plans to watch it yet...

Seriously, I am not that keen to go to cinema to watch movies for quite some times already... Am I getting old??? ...I mean, look at our parents... They also used to go for movies when they were young... but they don't anymore... Is that mean, I'm getting old too? ...

Actually, kinda think about it... I actually still quite enjoy watching movies at home... So, I guess it's not that I don't like to watch movies anymore and it's not that I'm getting old (muahahaa... trying to find excuses)... It's just that I don't like to spend money on going to cinema only... *phew*... I feel better now... kekekee

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Perhaps Love

Watched <如果.愛> on DVD... The English title is "Perhaps Love"... NICE!!
(but I think they copy Moulin Rouge's concept... *sigh*... Why HK movies always copy cat!?)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Welcome BRANDON!!

Welcome to the world, Brandon!!!! ...*muah*muah*
(5 hours old... so tiny, so pure, so cute!!)

I'm so HAPPY today as my friend Eileen & Joey in Sydney have a baby boy this morning!!! ...I was just chatting with Eileen on MSN day before... telling her that I hope the baby is Brandon (boy), and I hope Brandon will come to this world on the 25th May (cos easy to remember!?)... and BINGO!!!! ... (So, who still doesn't believe me when I said my sixth sense quite accurate? ...*lol*)

Anyway, I'm planning to make a trip to Sydney somewhere during July / August to pay them a visit... Wanna see cute little Brandon!!! ...3 months old shall be Very Very THE CUTE, right?!! ...Well, I'm afraid of baby who is too young and too fragile... so 3 months old should be quite alright, right?!?? ...Else, I'd have to go later... hmmmph???

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Photos in

Aiks... Just found out only shows the 200 latest photos that we uploaded (free membership)... Not happy!!! ...I have just uploaded up to Day 3 of our Bali Trip photos only and most of my Perth's photos are gone!!!! ...So, now I have to find another better online photo album so that I don't have to worry about storage space... =(

Still very lazy about blogging the Bali Trip... There's so many things to share but I really don't know where or how to even start typing... All the receipts and brochures are still sitting on my desks... Memories started to fade a little, but I think my mind is still in Ubud (Bali)... ?!?

Just last night I suddenly woke up middle of the night and wondering WHY and WHAT was I doing in my own room in Melbourne?? ...Aiks... I think my brain is a bit slow all the time, because when I was in Bali, my mind was still in Melb... and now that I'm back to Melb, my mind just reached Bali (possibly?!)... *lol*...

Okay, time to sleep... Work sucks!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm Back!!

I'm back!!!! ...I'm back!!!! ...I'm finally back in Melbourne!!! ...Ohhh, I'm so happy to be back in Melbourne... My room smell so nice!!! ...My bed feel so comfortable!!! ...Even the bean bag in the living room is so huggable!!! ...

What was the first thing I do when I reached home? ...hehe... Switched on my PC to check emails... then had a super long hot shower and a light lunch... I'm about to jump into my warm cozy bed to catch some sleep, but I just would like to show how glad I am to be back in Melb... hehehehe...

Will post the photos we have taken during our Bali trip... and will blah blah blah about Bali too... So stay tune!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bali Day 9 : Kuta > Melbourne

Woke up early as my friend finally managed to sneak out from work, and fly to Bali to meet up with me! ...and guess what was the first thing he said when he saw me!?!?! ...
You're getting bigger!
OMG!! ...This was the first thing he said when he stepped out from the Taxi since we last met 6 - 7 yrs ago! ...@#$$%$%@$^!!!!!! ...No manners!!! ...grrr... hehehe... (I know I have put on some weight, but I don't need a reminder... and I would prefer to hear something that is more "sooothing" because "big, heavy, fat" are a bit hard to digest! ...Tsk!!!! ...hehehehe)

Anyway, we then went to have lunch and walked to Poppies Lane 1, as he wanted to show me where Secret Garden Inn... Checked out Secret Garden Inn and it isn't bad... but I have no complains about Puri Tanah Lot Hotel where I stayed too... I think I'm not that fuss as long as there's HOT WATER for shower... *muahahahah*

Had a drink outside Secret Garden where they have a bar outside... Plain catching up especially we haven't seen each other for such a long time... Yeah, he is getting BIGGER too... *bleh*... *hahahhaha*... (I know he would be reading this and just to get even!)... =P

Oh well, it's great catching up with someone whom we haven't met for so long... especially we have been living in the different continents and we have our own lives... Glad that everything is still the same (as in we still could talk about anything just like old times)...

Anyway, we hang around until 530pm and went to airport to catch our flights!! ...Yes, he left Bali on the same day.... and I'm feeling thankful and greatful that he'd made such an effort... afterall, how many friends in your life would do that, huh? ... =)

Well, we went to airport together, and I sent him off before I walked to the International departure to check in...

I felt rather weird... or shall I say, I had a feeling of not wanting to leave Bali!? ...I felt sad that my holidays had finally came to an end... and I felt unbelievable that time passses by so fast... I had a great time with my friends and I wonder when would I see them again next time, and where woudl that be?! ...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Bali Day 8 : Kuta

Woke up real late... Who cares? ...Afterall, I had no plans for the day at all... such a lonely day in Kuta... geez...

Remembered about the thing that Gerald mentioned while we were checking out Kuta Beach the previous day... He wonders how many "NO" does one need to say to the locals walking from one end to the other end of Kuta Beach... Well, I thought it wasn't a bad idea since I had nothing else better to do!? ...So off I went, after my long breakfast!

Reached Kuta beach... walked for just 5 mins, and I couldn't stand it anymore... as it was quite hot and I had a hard time counting, because I had to remember the numbers while saying "No" to the locals when they asked me if i want such such such?? ...Errr... If only Gerald was around to say "No" to them and I could concerntrate on counting, then it would have been easier... So I gave up on counting... *muahahahahah*... There you go, I wished Gerald didn't have to leave so early, OR I could go back to Melb early!!

After that, I walked all the way to the end of Jalan Legian, and re-visit the Maya Jewelry shop... I found the "similar" design of earrings which the Tattoo Artist was wearing... but I couldn't find any that is as cool as his... =/

I then started to worry about my Rupiah cos they were running really low... went into a few money changers to check out the rates... I then had to count my money carefully since Gerald wasn't there for me to rely on (normally Gerald was the one who did all those stuff)... =/ ...

Anyway, I think I was too busy walking around that I nearly forgot to have lunch... I only remembered FOOD when I headed back to Hotel... So I just went into the restaurant near my hotel without checking it out first...

Stepped into the restaurant and I started to worry... Why? ...EVERY CORNERS of this restaurant is full of Australia's stuff... An Australia flag, footy shirts full of autographs, posters full of autographs and even the TV was showing Footy and etc etc etc... Gosh, I looked around and there's a few tables of Aussies too... Hmmmm... so I quickly ate my lunch and drank my ginger ale... and walked out of the restaurant because I was worried about "bombs"? ....kekekeke...

Anyway, stayed in my Hotel and took an afternoon nap... At night went to have dinner at Hotel's restaurant while watching the movie "Jarhead" cos it was dark outside, and I was afraid to go out alone in Kuta...

What a lonely day in Kuta!! ...I missed Gerald and his hair dryer... *muahahhaha*

Friday, May 19, 2006

Bali Day 7 : Kuta

I woke up quite late I think... Tired!!

We walked to the beach using the small lane near our hotel after our breakfast... There's a lot of cheap local restaurants along this small lane... Anyway, we then cut through to Kuta Beach... Our first time seeing Kuta Beach, and yes it is beautiful... (The previous night, it was already dark when we were walking along that street, therefore we couldn't see the beach at all)...

While we were standing at the beach enjoying the beautiful view... the locals kept coming to ask if we would like to buy some souvenirs, or have a manicure / pedicure done, or even massages!! ...Basicly we had no peaceful moment to enjoy the beach and the view... The locals are very persistent too that even if you said No to them, they'd still stand next to you, hoping you would change your mind... hmmmph... I guess they're only trying to make a living... *sigh*... That's why I don't quite like Kuta, because the people there are much more pesky (as Gerald put it)...

Well, it was a hot day... we were sweating and we went to buy some stuff to clean Gerald's messy tattoo... hehe... We went to KFC for lunch (and guess what? ...the KFC there comes with RICE... so is McDonald!!! ...Actually Philippines is another place which their KFC and McDonald comes with rice too, I later found out)....

Kuta is quite busy (in terms of traffic)... lotsa retail shops... Many branded things and surfing brands... Felt like Australia especially seeing all those surfing shops and brands... We then went to buy Gerald's singlet... Bargained the first time in Bali... *muahahaha*... and then went back to our Hotel as Gerald needed to clean his tattoo, and to pack up as he was leaving in the evening...

Hmmm... I was a little sad while Gerald was packing his stuff... How I wished I could leave Kuta just like Gerald too!! ....Kuta sucks!! ...

We went for early dinner together before he left... He ordered Nasi Goreng forgotten that we had been warned not to eat eggs and seafood at all (worried that we'd get infections on our tattooes?)... ALAMAK!!! ...He was quite worried... hehehe... So I ate the Nasi Gorent instead and boy it was good!!! ...

Anyway, I had a sense of losing when I sent him off in front of the Hotel... He is such a great companion to travel with... A very cool and relaxed person and very funny and very blur at times... I didn't know I would miss a person so much after spending only just a few days with him...

I spent the rest of my night in my hotel room trying to blog offline... but I just couldn't get into typing... So the whole night I was busy SMS-ing with Gerald before he departed and after he arrived KL ...hahaha... Told him that I missed his hair-dryer... muahahhaa...

I slept with lights on that night...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bali Day 6 : Ubud > Kuta

Woke up late possibly because we had beer previous night?? ...Then we started packing our luggages because we planned to go to Kuta straight after we finished getting a tattoo... and our appointment for Tattoo was at 10am and we were running late...

The Tattoo artist patiently waited for us, and since Gerald already knew what he wanted, he started to get his tattoo first, which is a "barung"! ...(Barung is actually a very powerful, protective spirit that fights and drives out demons... which we later found out that Balinese wouldn't wear it because they are afraid it would attract demons??!)

Anyway, the tattoo of the Barung is quite big and it covers the upper left arm of Gerald... Poor Gerald had to suffer for 4 hours to get it done.. He didn't have much expressions at all at the begining (probably because of male ego??...haha!!) ...but he started to show more and more painful expressions and that's when I started to feel very unsettled...

Well, I have always wanted to get a tattoo (probably since 10 long years ago??)... and when this day had finally came, there was so much running through in my mind... I mean, it's a TATTOO you know!!! ...Not just a pimple that could easily squeezed out and healed... Anyway, I think I was more concerned about the PAIN than anything else... Because sitting there for 4 hours seeing Gerald's painful expression "occasionally", and the noise of tattooing - not fun at all!!! ...Drove me nuts!!

When it was finally my turn... Yeah I was pretty nervous... When the needle first touched my skin and stopped (because the tattoo artist knew I was afraid of pain and just stopped to check if I was alright?)... I looked at him and looked at my ankle...EH??!! ...An outline of 1 inch of tattoo has been done... EH?!!?! ...It's not as painful as I thought at all!!! ...Woah, I felt a little bit relief ...Anyway, the most painful area was around the bone area of the ankle, that REALLY hurts... I have no idea how long it took for mine to be done, but in all, it was not as painful as I imagined... Nah!!! No big deal at all... *muahahaha*... If there were a good design, I'd still go for it! ... =)

Anyway, after that the driver drove us to our Homestay to pick up our luggages and head to Kuta!! ...We had no idea where about to stay in Kuta at all... We tried to find Secret Garden at Popies Lane but we missed the turn... So we ended up staying at Puri Tanah Lot Hotel instead... Still quite cheap and quite a nice place to stay!!

We went to look for something to eat soon after we checked into the hotel. It was probably 7pm? ...and there's this section of the road near the Kuta beach which doesn't have any street lights... and there were these two guys came to us and spoke in Balinese language... I thought it was one of those taxi guys or whatever (cos I couldn't understand what they were talking about?)... One guy kept talking to me as I walked in front of Gerald... and the other guy walked behind Gerald... I found them extremely annoying because we said no-no-no-no-no and they kept following us... Then I heard Gerald asked the 2nd guy why he opened Gerald's pouch?? ...Urgh!! ...That's when my tolerant level reached the limit...

I walked to the 2nd guy and angrily asked him why he opened our pouch and what did he steal? ...He was probably a bit frightened at that time and kept saying he didn't take anything, and he started to look out for his partner whom already ran across the road and disappeared in the dark... Anyway, I waited for Gerald to check if everything was still in the pouch, while remain arm length to this 2nd guy in case if he ran away... if he dares to run, I'd just pulled his collar and give him a big punch (yeah mate! I had that worst case scenario running in my mind already at that time! ...muahahhaha)...

Anyway, our wallets, our passports and our handphones were all safe in the pouch, and so we just had to let him run wild... What a night, eh!!?!? ...We then walked pass a police station and decided to go in and report it... after that we went to Jalan Legian via Poppies Lane 2, and had our delicious dinner at one of the restuarant there... Yum Yum...

It was such a looooooooooooooong walk back to our Hotel... and we were sweating... and GOSH, Gerald's tattoo was full of sweat and it was such a big MESS!!!! ...Whole arm was in blank ink and he had to use tissue papers to clean it... Luckily mine was still alright!!

I was soooooooooooo tired that night... Wanted to watch "Kill Bill 1" on TV, but I fell asleep I think...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bali Day 5 : Singaraja - Lovina Tour

I brought along my laptop just in case my digital camera ran out of space again, and at least we could transfter photo to laptop!? ...because on our Day 3 : Tintamani - Besakih Tour, we took too many photos until we had to delete a lot (becos no more space for my 512MB flash)!? ...Anyway, could you believe it? ...Gerald didn't bring his digital camera as he left it at his friend's place... He brought the batteries and batteries charger, but he forgot to bring the most important digital camera... Tsk tsk tsk... So the whole Bali trip, we had to share using the digital camera...

Anyway, I think it was probably 1/3 of the trip that I realised I made the same mistake as he did... I brought along my laptop, but I forgot to bring the USB plug that allows me to transfer photo from my digital camera to the laptop!??!?! ...Without USB, how to transfer files?!!?! ....(Lesson One: Never laugh at other, cos it may happen to you one day!)... hehe

Our 1st stop was Mengwi's Pura "Taman Ayun" (The Royal Family Temple)... Anyway, I think we have seen too many temples these few days (as they claimed that there's more temples than houses in Bali), that we didn't feel that excited seeing Mengwi's temples anymore...

Our 2nd stop was Bedugul Temple (Ulun Danu Temple & Lake Beratan). The temperature there was quite cool, as it was located around the mountainous area at the altitude of 1400m above sea level!? Anyway, the Bedugul Temple is beautifully sitting on serene lake of Beratan. This would be my 2nd favourite place as it is really really beautiful (eventhough we were overdosed with Temples, but we still get this "wow" feeling seeing this Bedugul Temple).

Our 3rd stop was Gitgit Waterfall... The waterfall is sixty metres high. To get there, we had to walk about 10mins of stepped concrete path downhill...Along the path, there's many stalls that sell sarong, paintings and souvenirs... The waterfall is beautiful... If only we have brought along swimwear!!! ...Well, we would have brought extra changing clothes if we knew more about this trip...*hmmmph*... (I told you Gerald chose this trip because of Megume, you don't believe huh!! ...HAHAHAHA!!! ...Kidding!)

Our 4th stop was Lovina Beach... An overrated famous black sand beach... Nothing that special... The beach is quite dirty and empty... I'm not sure why this beach is so famous?!?? ...(Oh yeah, I purposely walked away from Gerald and Megumi... Let them have a some short moments together... *muahahaha*... Gerald took some photos of Megumi nehh!! ... kekekekeke... *wink*)

Our 5th stop was visiting the natural hot spring which is located at Banjar Village. Megumi stripped down to her bikinis and jumped into the hot springs... Obviously she has done her homework well regarding this trip... not like us!! ... Anyway, I disappeared into other places to explore and left the two there... *muahahahahah*... Actually there's nothing much to see at all. I actually sat in the garden feeding bloody mosquitoes... (Garald, now you know why I got so many mossy bites yeah?! ...It's all becos of youuuu!!! .... =( ...heheheh!)

Our 6th stop was stopped over to see the two lakes (Buyan Lake & Tamblin Lake)... The road to the outlook was very hilly and very bumpy and its a one way road too... Quite interesting and thrilling cos Agung drove quite fast... Luckily the big car powerful enough for the steep and winding road... Anyway, I only remember it's very cold up there...

Tiring trip... Overall, it wasn't too bad but it wasn't the best trip neither... Came back to our Homestay, and went out to search for a place to dine... Went back to the cheap restaurant to try out their Nasi Goreng... Quite nice!! ...We then bought two "Bali-Hai" beers and some more peanuts for supper...

Came back to your Homestay, and noticed that there's a ciggy in the ashtray (our balcany has a coffee table and chairs)... We don't smoke, so who did? ...And then we noticed a note too... Aiks?! ...From Ma-De again and this time only his email and his contact number... =?

(Actually, was it today that we had the stupid kentut topic that we laughed so loud until Nyoman had to come and asked us to keep our noise down? ...I cannot remember which day was it now... *confused*... Actually, I also confused with which day we bought the Paintings from the artists... =/

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bali Day 4 : Ubud

It's the most relaxing day for us so far... Woke up and wasted our morning away until Nyoman came to ask if we were still going to rent the bicycles cos they had reserved the bicycles for us?! ...hmmm...

An artist, Gusti Putu Wirawan came to sell his paintings... His paintings are very detailed and very very very beautiful... I couldn't resist and bought the beautiful "Saraswati" painting and Gerald bought the other (a Balinese Romeo & Juliet???)... Anyway, I felt like being cheated because Ma-De's work wasn't as nice as Wirawan?? ...Oh well... Nevermind...

We started cycling around Ubud without a road map... The traffic was HORRIBLE!!! ...I always had to stop and pushed bike to cross the road, or to do right turn... Dare not turn without stopping like anybody else... (Actually, it's also because I don't know how to ride those high-tech bike with GEARS)... I broke the thingy for turning the gear too low and it stucked!! ...Gerald had to get his hands dirty to fix the bike for me... and obviously he wasn't that happy and said, "RIDE LIKE THIS LAH!! ...DON'T TOUCH THE GEAR ANYMORE!!!"... *garang*...

I think (I guess only!) he was not that happy cos I dragged him into riding bicycle, yet I didn't know how to ride the high-tech bike (with gears)? ...hehehee... Also, he kept asking me if I knew where we were going (cos he has no sense of directions)... hehehee... Poor thing...

Anyway, we checked out a few body massage places, and also one or two tattoo parlours... And YES!!!! ...I found what I want - Milk Bath!!

A very sweet and soft spoken 20 years old girl called Maya lead me to a room similar to this (but much smaller)... She asked me to take a shower first and lie on the massage bed with only disposable undie... I asked her if anyone could see me from the outside because my room was facing the open (the field like this room) with just a few plants there... Maya said no one can see us... and then she started to massage my upper body, lower body, both hands, and both legs, and that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!

After one hour of massage, she then applied milk base exfoliating scrub on my body... I wanted to taste the milk based thingy and find out if it was really milk, but I was too comfy and lazy to move... I think I fell asleep for a very short moment... hehehehheee.... (Hey, it was really comfy ok!!) ...While my body was treated with this milk thingy... She prepared a full bath tub of warm water with lotsa white and red flower petals that floated around... then she asked me to slowly soak myself in the bath tub, and brought me a cuppa hot ginger tea, and a plate of fresh mixed fruits... Lying there in the bath tub and looking at the open field of green green grass, sipping my warm cuppa ginger tea, and eating my fruits... WOAH... NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ...No wonder they said Milk Bath is Queen Cleopatra secret for beauty in longevity!? ...*muahahahha*...

After 30mins of soaking, I then took another shower, and apply the moisturizer which Maya provided... I smelled so yummy and my skin feel sooooooooooooo smooth!!! ...What a great feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling!

Anyway, that's the end of my Milk Bath, and I walked out of the room and to my surprise, Gerald still hasn't came out... He was taking this Javanese Lulur (which is a 17th Century Javanese Royal Treatment)... I thought he must have enjoyed it so much that he didn't want to leave... muahahha...

Well, after the massage and bath... we walked around Monkey Forest Street up and down to search for a place to dine... At the end we went to eat cheap local food (because I had been noticed a lot of local people take away from this place, and I thought the food there should be quite nice that's why a lot of locals go there to buy dinner?)... Well, my guess was right... Yummy food!!!

So we then walked around and bought a pack of peanut as our supper! ...Reached our homestay, and there was a note left on the coffee table at our balcany... From Ma-De!? ...Wrote something like he will come back tomorrow around 7pm or something like that (couldn't remember the note)... Gerald said "stalker"... and I panic... Aiks...

Anyway, we were relaxing at the balcany as usual, and Nyoman came to join us... He is such a funny guy... Anyway, the night ended early as we needed to prepare ourself for Lovina Trip nxt day!! ...hohohoho...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bali Day 3 : Kindamani - Besakih Tour

Nyoman made us BANANA toasts for breakfast... Best of the best!!! ...At the moment Australia's banana is super expensive (AUD$9/kg) due to Cyclone Larry wiped out 80% of the Australia's crops... Once banana prices came down, I'll try to make the Banana Toast myself!! ...Yum-Yum!!

Around 9am, our driver Agung came to pick us up... and that's when we met cute Megumi from Japan who also signed up this Kintamani - Besakih tour as well! She went to Vietname for one month before she came to Bali. Her next stop would be Korea before heading back to Japan. One cool chic who travels alone!!

Our 1st stop was Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave Temple). We bought our MOST EXPENSIVE sarong here (cos we totally forgot to BARGAIN??!!!) ...Oh well... In Bali, to visit temples, we need to wear sarong... but we saw people wearing jeans and they still enter the temple without being stopped?!?!! ...Anyway, back to Goa Gajah... The temple features rock-cut cave, a number of Buddhist rock-cut stupas and a sacred bathing pool dating from the 11th century. According to the guide, the excavation of this site is still very slow as the govenment doesn't fund them enough due to this was once Buddhist hermitage or monastery?? Oh, another thing too that worth mentioning... This guide came to talk to us about the place and expected to be paid at the end! ...He requested a tip that was equivalent to both of our entrance fees!!! ...Grrr...

Our 2nd stop was Tampaksiring (The Holy Spring Temple). The water are believed to have magic curative power? And people all over Bali come to purify themselves in the clear pools every year... I think we spent an hour taking photos... heheheh...

Our 3rd stop was Penelokan Outlook as it is the best place to see Mount Batur Volcano & Lake Batur. Smoking and rumbling takes place periodically at this mountain. Recent eruption was during 1994 (lasted for 1 month) and 1997 (mainly just black smoke and sand). My first time seeing a Volcano... COOL!!!

Our 4th stop was Besakih (The biggest Temple in Bali). I highly recommend everyone to visit Besakih. The temples were built between 14 - 17 centuries and it sits on the slop of Mt. Agung (a volcano which last erupted back in 1963, destroyed several nearby villages but Besakih was untouched!!!) To walk up the hill for 15mins was a little tiring, but once we saw the temples sitting on the slop... WOAH!!! ...Breath taking view!!! ...Anyway, the prominently features are the 3 seats in the lotus throne, in which shrines are dedicated to Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu (the trinity of Hinduism)....

Oh yeah, something worth mentioning too... when I was still catching my breath from climbing the hill, this little girl holding a flower right in front of me as if she was going to drop the flower... So my first reaction was take it??!?! ...I really don't know WHAT I was thinking at that time!!!!! ...I think I put down my guard as I was puffing from the climb, and was very much blown away by the amazing view of Besakih temples (mind was occupied, hence not thinking!)...

Anyway, the next thing I knew was that this little girl kept on asking me to pay her because I took her flower? ...OMG!!!! ...She was soooooooooooooooooooo annoying... I gave back the flower to her and she didn't want it... and I told her I had no money, no money, no money!!! ...and she still buzzing like a bee round and round and kept saying "you took my flower, give me money" in a flat tune (no emotion, no high and low key) and no expression on her face neither (probably becos she does this all the times and numbed already)... She wouldn't give up and I felt so helpless especially when Gerald and Megumi were both also busy saying no-no-no to a few more so-called "guides"... Messy situation... Anyway, at the end the little girl took back the flower and walked away... *phew*...

Just as we got rid of that little girl, another guy came... He was far worst than the little girl actually... He followed us EVERYWHERE eventhough we said NO to his face billion times... I seriously wanted to punch him in the face... grrr... Anyway, after we explored a few more places around the area, that guy finally asked for tips... Gerald refused to give him and he started to get a little upset. So Gerald took out RP3,000 and gave it to that guy and he refused to take it cos he wanted more? ...I was really angry at that point and I told him we already said NO to him at the very begining... but he still insisted that if it wasn't him we wouldn't be able to get into that main temple?!? ...What the?!!?! ...Anyway, couldn't remember how much Gerald gave him at the end... hmmm... Despite the above, I really enjoyed visiting Besakih... =)

Our 5th stop was Bukit Jambul. We stopped for a while just to take some photos of the rice terrace view.

Our 6th stop was Klungkung. And Old Court Justice of Klungkung Kingdom.

It was a good trip... And Megumi decided to take up the Singaraja - Lovina Tour on Wednesday... And I think Gerald also interested to go after knowing Megumi is going (*hiak-hiak-hiak*)... and so happened that Agung didn't have small change for us, that became the deposit of our next tour on Wednesday!! ...hohohoho...

Anyway, soon as we came back to our homestay, Nyoman came to tell me I have a phone call!!?!? ...WOAH... I was a bit surprised ...Anyway, it was Ma-De!! ...He called to re-confirm Tuesday night's dinner... Actually I started to feel a little worried due to he was way too friendly? ...So I told him we couldn't make it on Tuesday night as we had other plans. So He said that's fine, but he still wanted to come over around 7pm tomorrow?? ...Hmmm... Ain't that weird, I thought? I told him no promise that we'd be in our homestay... He said no problems... end of conversations.

Well, well... Time for dinner and we managed to find a cheap place for dinner (Nasi campur!!)... At night we just sat at our Balcany chatting... Gerald had so much to talk about... Well, all about Japanese thingy... Megumi has given him more thoughts, maybe?!! ... *muahahhahahahah*...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Bali Day 2 : Kuta > Ubud

We woke up early planning to check out a little bit of Kuta before we leave for Ubud at 1pm... Crossed the main road near Discovery Shopping Mall, a short guy handed us two vouchers saying it's FREE as Royal Resorts has some promotions. He insisted we open them and see if we win anything?

Gerald won two shirts, and guess what I won?! ...I won either (1) DVD Player (2) USD$250 (3) A week free accommodation at Royal Resort and (4) I cannot remember what?! ...But in order to find out which prize I actually won, we had to go to Royal Resorts to sit for 1 hour promotional tour first... (Sound dodgy yeah?) ...Well, we were both CURIOUS (and greedy)... and since we thought we had nothing to lose as well, why not?

It's pretty funny as I think back, because that guy actually suggested us to PRETEND to be a couple as the prizes are only valid to "couples"... And to pretend to be a couple AIN'T easy at all... Gerald failed straight away as he didn't know my birthday when he filled in the form at Royal Resorts... and I had to pretend to give him a small punch on his arm like a girlfriend?!?!?... (It was a Grammy Awards acting ok!!)...

Anyway, a public relation guy then lead us to a table and started to make a conversation. To sum it up, he was just trying to find out if we were their potential target... I think we bored him so much that he YAWNED a few times... And it didn't take long for him to pop the question --> if we were interested to pay some money and join membership... I told him NOPE, we are not interested... So we walked out from there with 2 T-shirts, and vouchers of 5 days free accommodation either at Phuket, Bali or Gua that valid for the next 2yrs! ...We were so relief that our acting finally came to an end... *phew*...

On our way back to Discovery Shopping Mall... We read the Terms & Conditions of this so called "Free Accommodation" thingy? ...Well, in order to claim the free accommdations, we have to pay USD$100 to cover the administration fees... Ha!

Well, well... First day walking around in KUTA, we were conned and kidnapped to this Royal Resorts!!!! ...(Actually, we saw it coming but... Yeah, curiousity kills the cat... but luckily cat has NINE lives?!!! ...Meow~) ....errr... ?!?!?!?!

Anyway, that's how we spent our morning before we checked out from Pendawa Hotel and jumped into the shutter bus to go to Ubud!

It took us roughly 2hours to get to Ubud due the shutter bus took the long way (to pick up some more travellers?)... Soon after we reached Ubud, this guy called Nyoman came and asked us to check out the HomeStay called Brata2 which only cost RP50,000 (equivalent to AUD$7 per night)... So we went to check out the room and decided to stay there! ...We have a balcany that has a Rice field view... Quite nice, we thought! ...At least the bathroom is much better than Pendawa Hotel at Kuta and it has HOT WATER!!! ...hehe... (But later we found out that the ceiling of our room has termites??)...

Anyway, we made reservations for our Kintamani-Besakih Tour the next day through another Nyoman (...there seems to have lotsa people named Nyoman and Ma-De in Bali... Everyone's name the same?!) ...bought tickets to watch Kecak and Fire Dance at night, and exploring Ubud streets without a map!

While we were having dinner at this nice restaurant... Guess who was looking for us? ...Ma-De from Pendawa Hotel!! ...Obviously he couldn't find us at the Hotel which I made reservation in Ubud yesterday. So he asked me where were we staying, and I had no choice but to tell him... Well, he said his mum and sisters would like to invite us to their place on Tuesday night for dinner... I was quite keen at that time because I regretted not taking any photos of his mum's bed and his house yesterday... So I said okay and he left.

After dinner and Kecak/Fire Dance, we went back to our Homestay and doze off... I remembered the stupid rooster crowing at 2am and woke me up.... Geesh!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bali Day 1 : Arriving Kuta

Flight from Melb to Bali takes about 5hrs and I was given a window seat. The flight was quite empty and the weather was so beautiful. We could see the beautiful Australia landscape from above. We saw Ayers Rock (Uluru) and Olgas!!

Arrived Denpasar Airport in Bali around 1230pm, and the Custom officer gave me some kinda weird look when I told him I travelled alone and haven't booked my accommodation (as we had to fill in those information in the visitor form)...

Soon after I walked out from the airport, this English spoken Balinese uncle came to talk to me and showed me some brochures of some hotels. Since Gerald's flight was expected to arrive around 7pm, I decided to check into Pendawa Hotel first. (Errr... Ok ok, I lied... I was actually being talked to go to Pendawa Hotel because this English spoken Balinese uncle couldn't stop talking me to go to this hotel, and he wouldn't go away even when I said I'll wait for my friend? ...Actually, after seeing Denpasar Airport is actually so "simple" and no where comfy for me to wait for Gerald to arrive... I thought it wasn't a bad idea to check into a hotel first also lah!!! =)

Anyway, I stayed in my room until Ma-de (the Hotel Staff) came in to bring me some bottle water and showed me some of his paintings. Well, I bought 2 paintings from him and tried to find out more details about Ubud because he lives there! And he was kind enough to offer me a ride to Ubud on his motorbike when he finished at 4pm, so that I could check out some Hotel for tomorrow.

I must admit it was a very enjoyable ride to Ubud. Probably because everything was so new to me? Saw a lot of temples, rice terrace and small villages... The traffic was quite chaotic probably because I don't quite get their road system? ...It seems very dangerous to me, the way they drive and their road system...

Anyway, Ma-de took me to his place to meet his mother and two sisters first. I regreted for not taking any photos with them. The "area" where his mother sleeps is very-the-POSH! ...Her bed is right in the middle of the garden, without any walls at all... but there's 4 GOLD painted pillars and the floor are all painted in GOLD too. The bed is so big and there's mosquito net around... just like a royal bed!! ...Other than his mother's sleeping area... their houses around are quite simple and ugly.

We chatted for a little while and his mother came out from shower walking around TOPLESS with just sarong wrapping bellow her waist... Wow?! I suddenly became the most conservative female in Bali cos I didn't even own a bikini!?!? ...Balinese really that open ah?!?!

Anyway, we checked out a few accommodations and made reservation and then we roughly cruised around the streets in Ubud on motorcycle before we headed back to Kuta to wait for Gerald to arrive. I knew I would enjoy my stay in Ubud then.

Gerald arrived around 730pm, and he thought I was going to ride a motorcycle to pick him up myself?! ...hahaha... Funny!! ...I don't think I would survive the traffic in Bali... After dropping Gerald's backpack in Hotel, the two Ma-de (both Hotel staffs) suggested to have dinner at Jimbaran? ...So we all went to Jimbaran by motorcycle to eat seafood together... Jimbaran is very famous for it's seafood at the beach especially during sunset! ...and you guessed it right, we had to pay for the two Ma-De's... That dinner wasn't cheap at all... Hmmph!! ...Gerald was the boss that night... kekekeke

Back to Hotel and realised our cheap rooms has no HOT shower... Water was so damn cold!!!!!! ...Luckily we only stayed for one night at this Pendawa Hotel!! ...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bali Tomorrow?

I still couldn't believe I'm going to Bali tomorrow... The excitement still hasn't completely kicked in... I decided to pack my luggage last night, hoping that by packing my summer clothes, I would feel more real about this holidays... Well, I felt nothing at all... Still went to work and still stressed about handing over stuff to the new lady...

Well, it's nearly 11pm now... I have finished packing and sitting here writing BLOG!? ...Actually I still have to paint my nails (toes) but I still haven't done so... and I think I'm a little nervous now because I forgot to exchange some Rupiah to bring over... I'm not sure how much shall I bring to Bali cos I've never been there and I'm terrible in Maths (currency convertion)? ...OH SH!T!!! ...I just realised the airport money exchange may not open tomorrow morning as it's too early (630am)!?!??!?! ...HELL... Now I'm extremely PANIC!!!!! ...HOW!?!?!??!?!

I knew something might go WRONG... or I would forget something... this is absolutely not FUN at all... It's all because I didn't feel like I'm going overseas / holidays and I didn't PLAN about what shall I do.... Oh my goodness... Now I don't think I could sleep well... HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!??!? ...Why am i so silly!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!


女孩子望着天上的星星和月亮, 享受着晚風輕輕撫摸她長長的秀發,看着那無際的星空,思緖飘呀飘的飘到某一個難忘的夜晚。


女孩子和男孩子維持着形影不離的日子,不管别人用什麼眼光看待他們,直到某一天男孩子將一位叫小原的鄰班男同學給拉進他們的小圈子。接下去的日子,他們就成了三人行。日子久了,女孩子發覺她對小原的感情超乎對男孩子的感情, 但理智的她只將這少女情懷深藏心中

年終考即將來臨, 男孩子與小原的感情越来越好,而且男孩子常常都到小原家一同温習功課,而女孩子只能自個兒呆在家中準備考試,雖然如此,他們三人仍常常放學往那一閒咖啡室消磨整個下午,感情仍然相当融洽


男孩子終于還是哭了,女孩子譲男孩子的泪水沾湿了她的粉肩,那冷冷的感覺有點像晚風的冰凉。女孩子包着男孩子,輕拍他以身軆語言去安慰男孩子,因為在那個時候, 語言是多余而且無用的。

晚風颼颼的吹來, 四周圍是多麽的静,男孩子抽泣着,她仿佛在耳邊聽見男孩子用颤抖的聲音說:“小原喜歡你我没希望了他竟然喜歡的是你,不是我…”接下去又是一串串的泪水往她肩上滴。

多麽久的事情了,女孩子仍然深深記得,尤其是在那個寂静, 晚風吹送的夜晚

(Note: A piece that I wrote long time ago...)

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Massive headache!! I woke up at 830am and read my book on my bed and fell asleep again. I didn't get up until 1130am. I guess I have this massive headache because I slept too much?? ... hate it!

I'll be leaving for Bali coming Saturday, and I don't feel a thing... I mean, I should have felt excited by now, but I haven't? ...I should have well planned my trip by now, but I haven't neither... What's the wrong with me? ...I don't really know... Excitement hasn't kicked in yet... I just know I'm feeling so damn relaxed as if I am just going to nearby post office (!??!)... Is this normal? ...Sometimes I do feel panic cos I know nothing about Bali and I have not booked accommodations and I have not found out how to get to the places/attractions I wanna go... but there's this little voice in me would tell me to go with the flow and experience something unplanned and unexpected... (Is this the voice of laziness?)... hehe

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bright's Autumn Festival 2006

These are the two beautiful Maple leaves I collected from my Bright trip! Aren't they beautiful?

Initially I planned to go to Bright last weekend, but we didn't make it cos we all woke up late (Bright is about 3 hours drive from Melb). Anyway, I could have stayed home today and do a little more research on my upcoming Bali trip this coming Saturday, but if I missed out on visiting Bright this time, we'd have to wait till next Autumn... and I don't wanna wait... hehe

We took off at 8am, and arrived Bright at 12pm. They closed off the streets in town centre for Autumn Festival market (lotsa arts / handcraft / homemade stuff and food stalls). We walked around and wandered off the main streets to take more photos until we saw the RAAF Roulette Aerobatic Team flying across the sky and we hurry ran back to the main street as the Parade was about to start. Took many photos!! The Grease theme of the parade was my favourite cos the kids are so cute!!!

Before we left Bright due to the rain, we went to Information Center as my colleague wants to spend a long weekend at Bright next month and she asked me to get as many info as I couuld. Anyway, I probably made myself (or Asian esp if there's racists there) look really bad because I took every single brouchures/booklets/pamphlets for my Ang-Mo colleague... (Well, there's a little unhappy thing happened while we watched the parade, but I figured it wasn't worth mentioning)

Anyway, Bright is the best place to go during Autumn because it is like a FAIRY TALE world come true("詩情畫意"的境界)!! ...(Just don't expect to meet your Prince Charming there cos I didn't!! ...grrr!!) ...The colour of the Autumn leaves are so vibrant and beautifull... The country side looks so serene and relaxed... The famous Great Alpine Scenic Road is a must for those who has not been... Falls Creek, Mt. Beauty and Mt. Hotham are nearby for those who loves to skii...

I'll visit Bright again next Autumn to stay overnight or two as I just found out we could rent a bicycle to ride around the area and there's lotsa hanging bridges there for fabulous photos!!! ...Who wanna come with me next year?

Monday, May 01, 2006

My Orange Bag

Oh Yeah... I bought a bag... I saw this bag last year, and I didn't buy it cos I thought it's a little too expensive. Yesterday we went shopping and saw this bag again and I just couldn't resist buying it. Maybe it's meant to be mine (when female wants to buy something, they could come up with any kinda excuses if needed)... hohohoo