Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Photos in

Aiks... Just found out only shows the 200 latest photos that we uploaded (free membership)... Not happy!!! ...I have just uploaded up to Day 3 of our Bali Trip photos only and most of my Perth's photos are gone!!!! ...So, now I have to find another better online photo album so that I don't have to worry about storage space... =(

Still very lazy about blogging the Bali Trip... There's so many things to share but I really don't know where or how to even start typing... All the receipts and brochures are still sitting on my desks... Memories started to fade a little, but I think my mind is still in Ubud (Bali)... ?!?

Just last night I suddenly woke up middle of the night and wondering WHY and WHAT was I doing in my own room in Melbourne?? ...Aiks... I think my brain is a bit slow all the time, because when I was in Bali, my mind was still in Melb... and now that I'm back to Melb, my mind just reached Bali (possibly?!)... *lol*...

Okay, time to sleep... Work sucks!!


Anonymous said...

flickr not enuf?? easy, create multiple accounts in flickr with different login detail.!!! hehehhehe :-)

OoKi said...

Create multiple accounts in flickr with diff login details then link to this blog? ...that's suicide, isnt it? ...cos they would find out I have multiple accounts and kill all my accounts... derr... btw, why anonymous...grrr...

Gerald Lim said...

Its not about space. On a free account they only display the latest 200 photos~