Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bali Day 4 : Ubud

It's the most relaxing day for us so far... Woke up and wasted our morning away until Nyoman came to ask if we were still going to rent the bicycles cos they had reserved the bicycles for us?! ...hmmm...

An artist, Gusti Putu Wirawan came to sell his paintings... His paintings are very detailed and very very very beautiful... I couldn't resist and bought the beautiful "Saraswati" painting and Gerald bought the other (a Balinese Romeo & Juliet???)... Anyway, I felt like being cheated because Ma-De's work wasn't as nice as Wirawan?? ...Oh well... Nevermind...

We started cycling around Ubud without a road map... The traffic was HORRIBLE!!! ...I always had to stop and pushed bike to cross the road, or to do right turn... Dare not turn without stopping like anybody else... (Actually, it's also because I don't know how to ride those high-tech bike with GEARS)... I broke the thingy for turning the gear too low and it stucked!! ...Gerald had to get his hands dirty to fix the bike for me... and obviously he wasn't that happy and said, "RIDE LIKE THIS LAH!! ...DON'T TOUCH THE GEAR ANYMORE!!!"... *garang*...

I think (I guess only!) he was not that happy cos I dragged him into riding bicycle, yet I didn't know how to ride the high-tech bike (with gears)? ...hehehee... Also, he kept asking me if I knew where we were going (cos he has no sense of directions)... hehehee... Poor thing...

Anyway, we checked out a few body massage places, and also one or two tattoo parlours... And YES!!!! ...I found what I want - Milk Bath!!

A very sweet and soft spoken 20 years old girl called Maya lead me to a room similar to this (but much smaller)... She asked me to take a shower first and lie on the massage bed with only disposable undie... I asked her if anyone could see me from the outside because my room was facing the open (the field like this room) with just a few plants there... Maya said no one can see us... and then she started to massage my upper body, lower body, both hands, and both legs, and that was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!

After one hour of massage, she then applied milk base exfoliating scrub on my body... I wanted to taste the milk based thingy and find out if it was really milk, but I was too comfy and lazy to move... I think I fell asleep for a very short moment... hehehehheee.... (Hey, it was really comfy ok!!) ...While my body was treated with this milk thingy... She prepared a full bath tub of warm water with lotsa white and red flower petals that floated around... then she asked me to slowly soak myself in the bath tub, and brought me a cuppa hot ginger tea, and a plate of fresh mixed fruits... Lying there in the bath tub and looking at the open field of green green grass, sipping my warm cuppa ginger tea, and eating my fruits... WOAH... NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ...No wonder they said Milk Bath is Queen Cleopatra secret for beauty in longevity!? ...*muahahahha*...

After 30mins of soaking, I then took another shower, and apply the moisturizer which Maya provided... I smelled so yummy and my skin feel sooooooooooooo smooth!!! ...What a great feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling!

Anyway, that's the end of my Milk Bath, and I walked out of the room and to my surprise, Gerald still hasn't came out... He was taking this Javanese Lulur (which is a 17th Century Javanese Royal Treatment)... I thought he must have enjoyed it so much that he didn't want to leave... muahahha...

Well, after the massage and bath... we walked around Monkey Forest Street up and down to search for a place to dine... At the end we went to eat cheap local food (because I had been noticed a lot of local people take away from this place, and I thought the food there should be quite nice that's why a lot of locals go there to buy dinner?)... Well, my guess was right... Yummy food!!!

So we then walked around and bought a pack of peanut as our supper! ...Reached our homestay, and there was a note left on the coffee table at our balcany... From Ma-De!? ...Wrote something like he will come back tomorrow around 7pm or something like that (couldn't remember the note)... Gerald said "stalker"... and I panic... Aiks...

Anyway, we were relaxing at the balcany as usual, and Nyoman came to join us... He is such a funny guy... Anyway, the night ended early as we needed to prepare ourself for Lovina Trip nxt day!! ...hohohoho...

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