Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bali Tomorrow?

I still couldn't believe I'm going to Bali tomorrow... The excitement still hasn't completely kicked in... I decided to pack my luggage last night, hoping that by packing my summer clothes, I would feel more real about this holidays... Well, I felt nothing at all... Still went to work and still stressed about handing over stuff to the new lady...

Well, it's nearly 11pm now... I have finished packing and sitting here writing BLOG!? ...Actually I still have to paint my nails (toes) but I still haven't done so... and I think I'm a little nervous now because I forgot to exchange some Rupiah to bring over... I'm not sure how much shall I bring to Bali cos I've never been there and I'm terrible in Maths (currency convertion)? ...OH SH!T!!! ...I just realised the airport money exchange may not open tomorrow morning as it's too early (630am)!?!??!?! ...HELL... Now I'm extremely PANIC!!!!! ...HOW!?!?!??!?!

I knew something might go WRONG... or I would forget something... this is absolutely not FUN at all... It's all because I didn't feel like I'm going overseas / holidays and I didn't PLAN about what shall I do.... Oh my goodness... Now I don't think I could sleep well... HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!??!? ...Why am i so silly!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well well...it's not so bad isn't it? apart from a few hiccups which is expected when u away from the comfort of home...lesson learnt. small matter.

other than that...everything turn to be a great Sunday isn't it?