Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bright's Autumn Festival 2006

These are the two beautiful Maple leaves I collected from my Bright trip! Aren't they beautiful?

Initially I planned to go to Bright last weekend, but we didn't make it cos we all woke up late (Bright is about 3 hours drive from Melb). Anyway, I could have stayed home today and do a little more research on my upcoming Bali trip this coming Saturday, but if I missed out on visiting Bright this time, we'd have to wait till next Autumn... and I don't wanna wait... hehe

We took off at 8am, and arrived Bright at 12pm. They closed off the streets in town centre for Autumn Festival market (lotsa arts / handcraft / homemade stuff and food stalls). We walked around and wandered off the main streets to take more photos until we saw the RAAF Roulette Aerobatic Team flying across the sky and we hurry ran back to the main street as the Parade was about to start. Took many photos!! The Grease theme of the parade was my favourite cos the kids are so cute!!!

Before we left Bright due to the rain, we went to Information Center as my colleague wants to spend a long weekend at Bright next month and she asked me to get as many info as I couuld. Anyway, I probably made myself (or Asian esp if there's racists there) look really bad because I took every single brouchures/booklets/pamphlets for my Ang-Mo colleague... (Well, there's a little unhappy thing happened while we watched the parade, but I figured it wasn't worth mentioning)

Anyway, Bright is the best place to go during Autumn because it is like a FAIRY TALE world come true("詩情畫意"的境界)!! ...(Just don't expect to meet your Prince Charming there cos I didn't!! ...grrr!!) ...The colour of the Autumn leaves are so vibrant and beautifull... The country side looks so serene and relaxed... The famous Great Alpine Scenic Road is a must for those who has not been... Falls Creek, Mt. Beauty and Mt. Hotham are nearby for those who loves to skii...

I'll visit Bright again next Autumn to stay overnight or two as I just found out we could rent a bicycle to ride around the area and there's lotsa hanging bridges there for fabulous photos!!! ...Who wanna come with me next year?


Rabbit said...

maybe i shd hold off Xmas in Melb and go during autumn? heeee heeee

OoKi said...

Maybe you should come December AND Autumn!!!