Thursday, January 03, 2008

Be Strong

[ one republic ] apologize

I jumped into her car and wishing her Happy New Year, and asked how was her holidays... and her tears started to pour down from her beautiful eyes... Her mom has just passed away during the holidays due to heart attack.

I was so in shocked... her mom looked so healthy and great the last time I saw her... I didn't know what to say nor how to react, and all I could do was just putting my hand on her shoulder to show my support and comfort as she tried to tell me what happened while she was driving...

Later in the afternoon, I received another bad news... and I just couldn't contained myself... I thought I handled it well, but 15mins later, things just HIT me and I just had to let some tears out...

Anyway, such to start 2008... Let's hope the year will only gets better... It has to be...

1 comment:

Gerald Lim said...


life is always so full of unexpected things.