Friday, July 18, 2008


Either we are forgetful or we are pushing our luck? ...

Just like little kids playing with candle lights... when the light accidentally burned their cute tinny little finger... Ok, they know it's painful and they might not wanna play with candles anymore...

Next day, they may still remember the pain...
Ok, better find something else to play...

Few days later, feeling bored? ...

Hey, what's on the table? ...Candle lights!!
Wait a minute, it's painful if I get burned...
But that was the other day...
Maybe today would be different? ...


Anyway, I don't think there's any "right" or "wrong" about this...
It all depends on your "wisdom" - to choose to be forgetful or not...
As all situation is different...

Interesting Sites for the Day...

1. Buddhism as an Education - A path to Enlightenment

2. Mellen-Thomas Benedict's - near death experience to the light & back

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tips 1

1. When little kids offer you some lollies/food, do accept and take it...
--> If the parents always ask the kids to keep the lollies (because they love their children of course!) and refuse to take them... the kids may one day grow up and stop "offering" things to their parents because they "thought" their parents would refuse to take things from them like usual anyway...

2. Even if you have conflicts or problems with your "In-Law", always tell others that your "In-Law" is wonderful.
--> This would prevent any further problems or may as well "solved" the issues between both of you, because knowing you are not complaining to everyone, but praising her/him, she'd feel not only good but also can't complain about you as well... Perhaps you two may soon make peace due to that!

3. Every parents / elderly should owned a Light & Warm Down Jacket (羽绒服) during cold season.
--> Keeping them warm and light enough to wear... Trust me, when we gets older, clothing that is thick and HEAVY could be a burden / problem... To conserve energy for the elderly and to help them walk around without too much "weight"... Light-weight-warm-down-jacket is a must!
(Note: How to choose down jacket (1) (2)...

4. House Design... things you may consider cos you'll grow old one fine day...
--> Higher Toilet Seat - When you gets older, it's harder to "get up" from seats that's too low.
--> Double Doors for all entries (house/rooms) - Easy access for the wheelchairs or furnitures.
--> Timber / Concrete Floor (less carpet the better!) - No need to vacuums/Less bacteria!
--> Open Living Design - more space and easy access for everybody.
--> Lotsa compartments for wardrobe (around waist height).
--> Probably more but haven't thought of them yet... hmm!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Be aware of what we do...
Be aware of how we carry out ourselves...
Be aware of what we say...

Read an Article about sometimes we influenced or affect people in an unconscious way...

Just like standing at the traffic light and you look up the sky and stare for 5mins...
Everyone around you would follow you to check out the sky as well...
Though it only affected them for just a few seconds...
But the point is... it did kinda "influenced" the others...

So... even the smallest thing that we do in our lives...
It does influence or have some sort of impact to someone, something, somehow... We just didn't notice only...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

20th July Food Fair @ Fremantle

Hello People in PERTH!!

Cyclone Nargis in Burma has left a population of injured, sick, homeless and hungry, especially children, needing our urgent attention.

Consequently the Buddhist Council of WA, the Australia Burma Buddhist Association and other Buddhist groups have organized a Food Fair Fundraiser...

Bring friends and family to enjoy a family day on Sunday at Fremantle Esplanade and do some good cause for the people in Burma...

10.00am – 4pm

Sunday, July 06, 2008


A lot of loving, kind, caring people would love to visit me...
They care a lot, that's why they want to do so, so much...

I can see their love and care and they wished to help and show support...
I want to accept and make them feel happy for doing something nice for me...
Yet I don't know how to handle the other part...

Which is... their worries, helpless feeling as they know they could only do so much...
And seeing me also hurts them inside and worries them...
And I'll start to feel terrible and would start to cry...
Because I don't want them to feel this way at all...

I still don't know yet how to deal with this...

Saturday, July 05, 2008


I think I am ready... if my time is going to come soon...
I somehow do wish my time would come sooner than later...
So that I would leave more peacefully without having to deal with more...
I know now is just the "beginning" of the long journey as there will be tougher time ahead... that's why part of me wished that if I could leave now, it would be great...

Then I started to think about maybe I could do something to make it happens more faster? Like taking my own control (yeah back to the "control" self again!)...

But then I slowly reaslised that... I should not "wished" anything or "expected" anything... Should wake up and feel thankful that I'm alive everyday, and make the fullest of the day... Instead of wishing that I could leave soon just to avoid suffering...

If my time has came naturally, and if it could end all suffering (myself and people around me)... that would be absolutely wonderful...

But If I were meant to go through more tougher journey ahead, I should also deal with it because it was meant to be...

Now, I could still give, and contribute and do more good things here...
I am still learning... I could still practice to be a better person...
I still have things that I could do to lighten up some responsibilities of people around me...
I could still help... I could still offer... I could still do so many things...

I feel better today! =)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Give Them A Chance

I think I was a "Control Freak"...
I like things to be under my control (who doesn't?)...

But sometimes, we do need to stop taking control...
We have to stop thinking we are always right and take away the rights from others..

Sometimes, we do need to let others taking control and decide...
So that they get the chance to show what they are thinking and feeling too...

Without the chance...
They are not able to express and show it...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Not Afraid to Accept Help

I used to deal with things myself and sort them out myself... I thought that would make me "independent" and "tough" and "strong"...

Nobody likes to be "weak" and "incapable"... Getting help from others would make us feel that way, I guess??

I have learned to see things differently after talking to mum...

She said, sometimes we have to allow others to "help" us when we needed... We have to "let" people care about us and "give" us the support they could... By allowing others to help us, their day would be more meaningful and that would make them happy too... and they'll have good karma next time...

Just a different perspective for you to consider when you're feeling down... or need any support or help... you know if you reach out your hands... someone will always be there...

A friend (Chuan) emailed this little piece of story that relates to the above:

一天, 佛陀在托钵时,一婆罗门来找佛陀辩论,声称为何僧团不自吃其力,没有耕种,而要去托钵。

? 把佛法传给四周围的人,叫做法布施。


DESK - 2

Hope you had some thoughts after reading my previous post... hehe
Hope the answer also sorta make a little sense to you...

"All that we are is the result of what he have thought;
it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts."

Monday, June 30, 2008


Up for a challenge?

Imagine you're sitting in front of a beautiful DESK which is made by wood..
So we called that thing a DESK yeah?

Okay, now... if we dismantle the DESK into pieces of wood...
Do we still call it/them a DESK?
What is it then if it no longer a DESK?
So DESK doesn't actually exist, or does it?

Imagine all the things around us...
Do they actually exist and how?

That's your homework tonight... *muahahaha*...

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I have always been troubled by why things haven't actually "kicked in"...
I mean, look at Lance Armstrong, Oliver Newton John and others who actually done so much after THAT experience... They are doing more "meaningful" things and their life changed totally...

Mine was different... I was troubled and always questioned myself why nothing "kicks in" yet... Why everything still "the same"... Why I was still "no aims" in my life.... and I was still so "Easy-Go-Lucky"? ....

Finally this time it did... a BIG one too!

That's why I am glad that I'm able to go through this so called "journey" to "grow"... to "improve"... to "realise" things I never did... to "see" things I never saw before... to "deal" with things that I ignored... to "regret" the things that I have done... to "learn" the things that I thought I knew but I didn't... and lots and lots... A whole new learning curve and journey and perspective...

Anyway, I'm thankful and grateful that I am giving the chance to deal with all the difficult things in order to experience LIFE in this journey... I am given the chance to "learn" and to "grow" and that's quite important to me because I think it's "worth" living in this way... Wisdom usually grows from "living" and "learning" to deal with things... =)

Hey, do I sound like I'm SMARTER now? ...
(NOT!!! ...I'm still confused as...!!)
I know I know... my blog has been a bit SERIOUS lately... =)

Well, I'm going through this so-called "JOURNEY" now... It's your choice of freedom to read or not to read... but I thought I should be opened and be honest to my feelings and hence I share my experience and feelings here with you all... that simple only...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Slowing Down...

Feeling very confused today...
It has been a ROLLER COASTER ride the past few weeks...

I think I tried to fit too much into my brain and trying to learn as much as I could during the short period of time... and I think I started to have a bit of "side effects" now... I'm actually forgetting things that I should do during my day (at times!)... Things that I have read, I knew I have read them and understood them while I was reading, but they still look so "new" to me when I read them again NOW... as if the feeling of "Ahh, I knew this but now it all made sense again"...

I need to slow down now...
I need to take my time...
I need to let myself rest...
I need to relax...
I need to have my own space...
I need to have my own peacefulness...

We always rush through our days... everyday...
Never slow down to give ourselves some Private Time to BREATH...

So how's your day TODAY? ...
Did you do something that worth you saying you have fully lived "today"? ................

Friday, June 27, 2008

Law of Attraction & Buddism

Somehow... Some reason...
I felt that there's some kinda "connection" between the two...
Anyway, both helped me through my tough times!

I think Law of Attractions do make sense yet doesn't go any further to "explain" more about the things "behind" its reason...

And Buddhism has the answer to it all....

Everyone believes in KARMA... but how many actually believes in it and start practicing and learning more? ...Very few... Why are we so ignorant???

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No Expectation leads to Appreciation

[backdated post - 27/6/08]

I was given some HOPE...
When there was HOPE, there comes EXPECTATIONS...

So I expected people around me doing the RIGHT thing to meet my EXPECTATION... The RIGHT thing is based on MY own measurement of course...

Well, people around me seems to do everything as NORMAL but not putting any MORE... They doesn't seem to participate much on what I wanted to ACHIEVE... I started to feel disappointed because I thought they care about these too that's why they are here? ...And I started to be UNHAPPY because they are not helping/putting any more effort at all...

Sound so familiar...?
I'm sure everyone has this experience all the times...
I was in the same shoes the other day...

I let go of my "Expectation" straight away...
Don't expect anyone to help me...
Don't expect anyone to put anymore extra effort...
Don't expect anyone to do more than they already have...
Don't expect any HOPE that is so vague...

If there's no Expectations...

When people are not helping you... You won't mind...
When people not putting any extra effort... You won't care...
When people not doing more than they already have... You relax...
When Expectation is not there... You don't even try to "measure" how much the others is putting in....

If there's no Expectations...

When people offer to help... You will feel grateful...
When people are putting normal effort... You'd feel thankful...
When people are putting more than already have...

When Expectation is not there... It will only leads to Appreciation...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Day...

I friend read my blog and said I have a lot to WHINE nowadays...
Hmmm... Does all my posts these days sound like a "whine" to you all?
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that at all...

Well, for a change...
Here's something to share without much blah-blah-blah from me...
(Note: the below is actually from a forwarded email I received today).

Be nice to
others because . . .

Time will make a

One day, you may not be the "Big Dog"!!

...but just the old dog...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just Do It...

I have met so many beautiful, kind, generous, and helpful people these days... Their support and help is not something a "thank you" could express/repay... I truly don't know how to thank them enough... it'll never be enough... ever...

Anyway, something about me you should know about...

I was "numb" about my life for so long... I didn't have a purpose in life... I didn't have a direction to where / what I wanna be... I always thought what's the fuss with life and everything when we will be left "nothing" when we die anyway? ...So I just live my life daily "to the fullest" without any plans, without any purpose as I thought that was THE WAY of "living life to the FULLEST"...

Yet there's a little voice in me always remind me that... I could only find my "purpose of life" if I LIVE for someone else... I know I was "numb" about my life because I didn't know how to live for myself... I didn't know what I want..... and I didn't know what I wanna be... and hence I didn't know how to live for myself... but if I have someone (be it a baby, a lover or husband, elderly people, etc) whom I wanna commit to care for, I will then have a purpose (or something like that I guess)... I always knew that in me... I always knew there's part of me wanna go out there to care for others and contribute and help...

What stop me from making it happen? ...LAZINESS....

Now I am getting all these helps/support from these people who actually contribute their TIME, their profession, their strength and their love to care for the needs... I feel so bad and ashamed of myself whenever I see them because it reminds me of my own LAZINESS in the past...

Because of LAZINESS, I didn't get to help others in the past at all (eventhough I had the thoughts of being a social worker or do some charity work, but without true "action", it's still mean NOTHING at all... even the "thoughts" couldn't be taking into consideration)... Shame on me!!!

So friends... If you have thought of doing something special for others...
Take action and JUST DO IT...
Don't let LAZINESS drag you to nowhere land...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Should I Do?

What should I do when others are complaining about work and people?
I didn't know what to do...

I mean, I wanted to tell them not to get too stressed and complain about things, and try to see the positive side of all and enjoy life instead of dwell on the problems... and we have "control" on our own happiness (if only we remember we CAN actually make decision and it's not always the case of "we don't have any choices"... We do have choices, but we are "too afraid" to "take control" and "make the decision ourselves" at most time and therefore we "blame" others and "complains" about our work/life sux!)...

Anyway, as others were complaining and complaining... I was thinking what should I do? ...Should I say something (but I wasn't unable to because it' would take a long time for me to explain my thoughts... and at the moment I don't have that luxury to do so due to shortness of breath)...

So I sat there and listen to all the stories (okay, there were times I got carried away too while listening and responded [laughed/smiled] to all those stories... and that may also "encourage" the talker to complain more)... which I then realised I should show LESS "response" to "discourage" the talker (maybe that way she wouldn't keep on complaining and go on and on?)... hmmm...

Well, after hours of listening to non-stop complaining from someone... I noticed my "impatience" feeling started to resurface again (which I mentioned in my previous blog)... I acknowledge it and I managed to get rid of it by appreciating someone actually visiting me and sharing their feelings with me... That simply and that easy...

But in the mean time... another question aroused...
Why do I always feel "impatience"? ...What is my "rush"? ...Why can't I get rid of it once and for all and be perfect? ...Is there a way at all?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

BEAUTY In ALL of us....

There's an old Chinese saying, "人之初, 性本善"... meaning "Human is born with pure and good nature"... I'm sure the pure and good nature is still living deep down inside all of us...

But as we grow older, we are "polluted" by all the temptations in this world... and we started to develop more bad habits, imperfect personality & character, and frame of mind...

Therefore, contemplation of our own thoughts, feelings, and self-examination is a very important process if we want to become a "better person" or "reach back to our pure/good nature"...


This morning, I have planned how I would spend my morning before I even got up from bed... and as I was having my breakfast, mom joined me and she started to talk to me and share some of her stories with me... As I was listening to her, I started to think about my own plans too (because I wanted to do other things)... and then I started to feel a little "impatience"... and just as the "feeling of impatience" surfaced, I straight away have "AWARENESS" that I am actually placing "MYSELF" first before others... as it's all about "ME, ME, ME"...

Being "Me Me Me" or "being Selfish" will always bring out the imperfection of us... Like I was thinking about "Myself" today and I BECAME "impatient"... and being "impatience" will certainly lead to other feelings or actions (ie. started to feel "unhappy" and may start to say some "unpleasant" things to stop the others from talking more, or etc? ...i don't know??)

Anyway, I am glad that I have been in touch with my AWARENESS of my own actions and feelings these days, and I reflected myself and my feelings and my actions daily...

I am glad that I was able to acknowledge the "impatient feeling" I had, and able to reflect myself immediately... and straight away I was feeling great and start to APPRECIATE and TREASURE the special moment with mum... and listen and be part of her experiences... just because I know I will put her before me... =)


So friends, take some time to reflect yourself from time to time...
To understand and to improve yourself...

Friday, June 20, 2008

TO GIVE (布施)

I'm sure everyone of us have done a lot of DONATIONS ($$$) previously to help others... That is one type of "GIVING"...
Feel great when we know we are doing some good things to help others, isn't it??

Well, in everyday life... We should also learn to GIVE whenever there's a chance...
We don't have to always donate money to be able to HELP others at all...
We only need to always "PUT OTHERS BEFORE YOU"...

For example...
...Help your family doing some house works, or grocery shopping...
...Working hard not for your own status/bank balance, but for the benefits of the company & society...
...Sharing your experience/knowledge with others (ie, cooking, reading)...
...Be there for those who is sad, or who needs someone to listen to...
...Help the elderly carrying things...
...Do some extra work for your colleagues or friends...

I'm sure there's other things that you are able to GIVE in your daily lives....
Please do GIVE when you can, and put others before you always....

Thursday, June 19, 2008


观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆 空,度一切苦厄。
是故 空中无色,无受、想、行、识;无眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;无色、声、香、味、触、法;
无眼界,乃至无意识界;无无明,亦无无明尽,乃至无老死,亦无老死 尽;
三世诸佛,依般若 波罗蜜多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。

故说般若波罗蜜多咒,即说咒 曰:


Since young, I have always knew that... We all will die one day, and nothing is "REAL" in this world... That kinda "thoughts" lead me to become a person who is so CAREFREE and doesn't bother to take life that seriously (ie. educations, career, life and etc)... I was thinking WHY take it so seriously when $$$, career and states would mean nothing when we die someday?

Well, I think I was wrong... Yes nothing will last when we die... but that doesn't mean we should live our life routinely... and meaninglessly... (wake up, work, entertaining, eat, sleep and repeats)...

Yes, we cannot bring anything over after we die... but we will still leave our "footsteps" for the others... We still can give LOVE and HELP and contribute some time to help the poor and the people who needs your help... It'll make a difference ... Even plant a TREE during the weekend would benefits the future...

So have you thought of contributing tiny bit of your time, to do something GOOD tand MEANINGFUL to add onto your routine life? ...Remember, your tiny contribution may be someone else' great relief or you might be able to save life (ie. blood donation or etc)... There's lots of ways to help and give... find your own comfortable ways.... =)

Yes we cannot bring nothing when we die... but we can LEAVE something good in this world for the others... that's the very least we could do, I guess? ....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


How much TIME have you wasted everyday on things that didn't matter?
How much TIME have you wasted when you felt a bit LAZY and not doing anything?
How much TIME have you wasted in the past, which perhaps may have brought you a better "now" or "tomorrow"? (ie. you didn't wanna contribute some time to exercise for 30mins each day to keep you fit and healthy in the future)...

TIME is something I realised I don't have enough of...
And I regret that I wasted so much TIME on unnecessary things...
And I regret being LAZY and always DRAG things till "next time"...
And I regret not fully utilized the TIME I had before to do the things that I should have done...
TIME will passes by today if you do not use them TODAY...

I guess you all already know and always says life is short and should enjoy our life to the FULLEST... and I'm sure everyone has their own ways to find happiness and how to enjoy life to the fullest... but please "stop" and think about whether the "enjoyment" is meaningful?

How many people actually "WASTED TIME" on enjoyment that is meaningless?
Have they thought about the REAL MEANING of LIFE and know "How To Enjoy Life with the Purpose of your Life"...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

THANK YOU & SORRY.. from the bottom of my heart

Thank you for all the support and love from all of you...
I'm sorry I haven't taken care of myself well enough and made you all worry about me...

Please forgive me, and please accept my sincere apology...
I have received so much love, help, and care from everyone of you...
But I have not done much for any of you at all during all these years...
I sincerely wished I had done more and give more to all of you...

I didn't plan my life well...
I have wasted awful lot of times on the things that's NOT important...
I complained about small things and people whom I should be thankful of...
I was lazy and I didn't ACTION on the things that I knew I should do...
I hurt people who loves me and brought them troubles...
I was ignorant... I was selfish... and I was stupid...
I hope you would NOT follow my footsteps...

Most important I realised... is...
FAMILY is the ONLY ones who will be there NO MATTER WHAT...
LOVE your family dearly...
Treat your PARENTS well and respect them...

Anyway, please do take some time to reflect your life now, and...
Try to figure out WHAT exactly is YOUR purpose of life...
Look around you, the friends and your family... love them...

Well, enough for today for now... =)

Love you all,

Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Option

[ secret garden ] song from secret garden

I reached work at 10am because I had trouble breathing in the morning and everything I did have to be slooooow motion... Pushed myself to go to work because I wanted to hand in my resignation letter...

Anyway, it turns out that I'll be taking 2 months off from work instead of resigning.
I'll concentrate on my treatment once it started next week.

Company doesn't want me to worry too much about work at the moment and offered to let me take as long leave as I needed... Very supportive and kind of them...

Initially planned to leave work at 2pm after that's been settled.. but I ended up leaving work at 530pm due to too many things to handover to others and etc... Didn't even manage to talk to a few close colleagues from other Dept regarding my sudden "leave" (even though it's not a good-bye at all)...

It's a relief that I don't have to think about work for now...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Body Over Mind

[ secret garden ] swan

It's not easy to keep a positive and strong mind when the body is not listening... Sometimes I was able to use my mind to make my body feels better... But lately, I haven't been able to calm myself down when I get shortness of breath (getting very severe these days)...

Please understand that I won't be able to pick up any phone calls, because it's getting difficult for me to speak (as I need to catch my breath)... and please forgive me if you haven't heard from me for a long time... because I do not know what to tell when there's not so many good news to share.

Anyway, I'll be resigning tomorrow, and starting new treatment next month... So hope all will be well and better!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Teary at Work

[ system of a down ] chop suey

*** NOTE ***
This blog was posted a while ago, and today (17/6/08) I would like to add some thoughts to it... My manager has been extremely supportive all those times... He is very understanding and he has a very kind heart... but when it comes to work, he will "make" anything happens no matter what... So sometimes that gives us a lot of pressure... but anyway, I am thankful for having a manager like him... at least I have one less thing need not to worry for the moment - work and my job... Due to my sudden leave from work, I'm sure I have brought so much troubles for my team and department and the company... yet they all are still very supportive... I feel very guilty of course for putting everyone through more tough time... but their thoughts and kindness surely have been noted and I wish all of them well and good and the best... I have learnt so much working in this company, and all the people there... I thank them from the bottom of my heart.... everyone....

This is what happened when all the stress and pressure accumulates at work over the weeks...

Just as I was about to pack up and leave office, he came to give me another job to chase as this is another "Urgent" job... OMG!! ...I have done SO BLOODY MANY urgent jobs in the past two weeks, I think I have been soooo burnt with the amount of stress and pressure I had to put up with... not to mention there's still a few "urgent" jobs that I still haven't got back from supplier (cos supplier started to get quite annoyed and unhappy as well due to the last minute "rush" and the amount of pressure from us too) - STRESSED!!!

Just as I was half way explaining to him the whole situation hoping that he would understand and let this so called "Urgent" job a missed (it is meant to due back from supplier next Monday, but he wants it tomorrow!) ...I found myself getting even more frustrated when he doesn't seem to want to "listen/understand" what's the problems but had this look on his face as if telling to "get over it, make this happen and get this urgent job back tomorrow" no matter what!! ...

What happened next? ...Well, I got all teary and I guess that was WHEN he stopped and started to tone down a little... Never had I thought I would ever shed any tears for "work related stuff" in the office at all... Geez!! ...But I guess it was his "attitude and his tone" that triggered it because I absolutely could cope with the the pressure, frustration and the stress...

Anyway, the solution is HE will contact the supplier himself and talk to them and make every FAIRY TALES happens! ...I'll let him deal with the Supplier cos he is the manager and no doubt he is more POWERFUL than a TINY employee like me!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Part Time to Begin With...

[ secret garden ] nocturne

The past 6 weeks I have been trying to learn as much as I could... I have been working on my plans... and I have been planning a lot of things... Every week I had been progressing well... and I look forward to my plans... but I started to feel a bit lost because things haven't been happening... and planning for the future takes over the present to such an extend that the present becomes unreal... and I started to lose my center the past 2 weeks...

It's time to ACTION... yes...
I told my manager I'm going to work Part-Time from June...
All is good now... changes is good... for me anyway...

Work has been really stressful lately due to all sorts of reasons... And I'm actually thought of resigning... but that wasn't part of my initial plan, so I didn't go to the extreme... There's actually another door opened for me recently when I least expected... but I'll have to wait and see carefully first...

Monday, May 12, 2008


[ vista ] ave maria

I have never heard of Vitas until recently...
"Opera 2" and the 5th Element Diva's song "Lucia di Lamermoor"...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Brainwaves Do Travel...

[ vitas ] opera 2

Remember I always "claimed" that I have some special gift? ...hehe...

The past few weeks I have been busy tidying and I have been reading my old diaries and browsing through all the photos... There's friends I thought of and wonder how they have been up to lately... and I guess my brainwaves at that time must be very strong as they do travel far to reach my friends... cos I suddenly hear from them one after another recently... Cool isn't it?

Brianwaves do travel hey?! ...Telepathy does exists, I'm sure...
So maybe there's a bit of truth in Law of Attractions then? ...cos thought has energy that attracts like energy? ...Hmm...

There's even a BrainBall game exists (check out the Video below!)...

Friday, May 09, 2008

Bye Bye to Yarns

[ vista ] lucia di lammermoor

I was into knitting scarfs few years ago, and I have bought so many yarns back then... Some of the yarns still not yet get to be transformed into beautiful scarfs yet... and I must admit it is actually tougher for me to give away the beautiful yarns than to shred my dairies/photos...

Anyway, I have given away a bag full of yarns but there's this two types/colors of yarn which I find it hard to let go of... And the only way to save the yarn from going to Salvation Army, is to start knitting and transform them into beautiful scarf for myself to wear since the weather has started to turn cold!! ...

Yes, this whole week I have been spending all my nights knitting two scarfs... I was using size-10 big needles to knit the scarfs so that I could get them done sooner... And they are now done and I absolutely love them!! ...I will not simply buy yarns to keep anymore unless I make sure I'll knit them immediately instead of letting them sitting around and become a burden...

Anyway, my next task is Desktop/Art & Design mags...

Just so you wonder... I need to sort out all the things in my room and things that I need to keep (to very minimal) and get them organized before I could START a new page... It has to be different to the way I used to do things... It's like I need to "detox" before I could start a new... that kinda feeling... (or IF I lose my battle, at least I don't leave too many messy things behind for my family)...

It works both ways I guess... but I'm more focus on my NEW START and to fulfill MY DREAM than the negative thoughts...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Bye Bye to Photos

[ nelly furtado ] all good things

I spent my day sorting my old photo albums and also the photos that I have developed over the years (which didn't placed in the albums properly)... I think everyone knows I love taking photos and thank goodness digital camera came into our lives earlier or else I think there would be even more photos pilling up in my room for me to sort and shred today!

Well, to make it simple for me to decide which to keep and to shred... I only keep my own photos in my albums... Of course I also selected some memorable photos that I have taken with friends too while traveling together or during some special occasions...

Yup! I have shredded two big boxes of photos for recycling and I'm yet to slowly sort out my photo album as per time line/dates... I am also still yet to print out some selected digital photos to add onto the photo album to COMPLETE my very own photo album!! =)

Anyway, though diaries and photos were the living proof of my life and journey in the past, I guess I don't need them anymore, because most of the memories and pictures have already been stored in my mind and heart...

So, my photo albums is quite simple and very selective now... cos I only choose the most beautiful and most photogenic of mine to keep!! ... HAHAHAA...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bye Bye to My Old Diaries

[ johnathan myers ] this time

I used to write diaries when I was young (teenager). My first diary was given by Vivian as a birthday gift in 1990 and that's how I started writing diary... Over the years I have about about 5 - 6 diaries and I always wonder whether should I keep them or should I destroy them (as I don't want anybody to read it! ...Actually I think my mum probably has read it secretly- just as most mums does anyway!!!)...

Anyway, I have been tidying my room the past weeks and it's hard not to start asking myself again whether I should keep these diaries or destroy them forever... Instead of making the big decision, I started to read my diaries instead... They surely brought back lots and lots of memories which I vividly remember and also some that I do not even recall... It's like a flashback of my life...

I must say I'm quite surprised about my Chinese writing ability... Yes I used to love writing and I used to dream of becoming an author (just one of those dreams that I have never continue to pursue!)... Anyway, some spot-on and beautiful words that I was using and the way how I wrote, I don't think I could do it now... Boy, I HAD talent! ...haha!!

Well, as I finished reading a page, I tore them out and fed them to the new shredder I bought from Officeworks... and yes it took me nearly the whole day to shred ALL my diaries because I was taking my time walking down the memory lanes while enjoying my last read...

Tomorrow... I'll have to sort my photos albums... Another big tasks!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Agentine Tango

[ gotan project ] santa maria

Which ballroom dancing do you enjoy watching?
If you were to pick a ballroom dance to learn, which one would you learn?

Check out this couple (the lady with white strip on her dress) at 3:00 min on this video... *amazing*... Great legs huh!! ... =))

I actually missed out on their "One Night In Buenos Aires Stage Show" in Melbourne... If only I knew earlier, I would go and watch it... Heard it was awesome! ...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Room Full of Junks

[ trans-siberian orchestra ] requiem

Just taking a short break from tidying my room... Phew! ...I have spent the whole morning sorting through all the books, magazines, old text books, notes that I have collected all those years... and it's time to say good-bye to them...

I always dreamt of having a home library like Prof. Higgins in "My Fair Lady"... but since I don't have a big house and places to keep all the National Geographic and New Scientists and other books I have kept over the years... I guess the best way is to donate them to Salvation Army or library rather than have them sitting in my room collecting dusts... (Note: I still have lotsa Desktop Mags and other books that I needed to sort through before I decide whether to throw or to keep... sigh!)

Next task is to tidy up my DESK... and my WARDROBE too... Ahhh... Thinking about tidying up the wardrobe already giving me massive headache...

I guess I just have to keep reminding myself to :-
1 - Throw anything that I haven't touched/used for 6 months.
2 - Keep my room simply, clean and as empty as possible.
3 - Do not ever collect things thinking that it might be useful one day.
4 - Do not buy things that is not necessary ever!!

Yes, my Saturday and Sunday will be spent on tidying my room!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Office Affairs Continues

[ harry connick jr ] hear me in the harmony

*** NOTE ***
The following blog was posted a while ago, but I would like to add something today (17-June-08) ...I actually would like to THANK her for all her support and care, as she's the "primary" contact between me and work during my sickness days... She has organized cards from work, and present and visited me at hospital, and it's really kind of her... Anyway, I wished I didn't complain abt her, but I don't have intention to delete the blog, because I didn't wanna hide my mistakes... I just wished I could be more forgiving and not complaining too much and not being so fussy and particular... I sincerely thank her from the bottom of my heart...

Just as I thought we (she and I) had a talk about a week ago, and we would be able to work together normally, but something happened again not long later...

The stupid bitch got offended just because I wrote a post-on note on a document to "remind" any of us to do something (just in case we forget due to the workloads!). She said she doesn't like me putting post-on note on the document because that makes her looks bad or stupid, and that she knows what she was doing and she will do them without anyone "reminding her"...

Ridiculous thing was that those documents was on my desk and it was obvious enough that those post-on note was also for me to remind myself to "follow up" just in case she forgets... Trust me, she always forget or mess up some steps when she starts to "multi-task"...

Anyway, I didn't keep quiet this time round and I explained my reasons and they are all valid, I'm sure she knows it by her heart... but due to her EGO and whatever reason, she turned around and started typing so loud like she wanted to kill the keyboards... and as usual she's not speaking to me again for another day! ...

Maybe it's a SIGN for me to let go or work less hour to put more focus on myself and my health nowadays... only if my income won't get affected if I work less hours... Hmmm...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Affortable Art Show 08

[ nelly furtado ] all good things

It's been a very stressed week at work.
Many things happened but very little improvements.
I was looking forward to weekends! ...

I had appointment on Saturday morning... then went to check out some prices at some Chinese herbal and supplement shops... Came home to rest for 2 hours before heading out to my colleague's place for dinner as one of the ex-colleague will be flying back to HK for good. The dinner was great and we all had a great time that night.

On Sunday, I was meant to go to this New Age Festival at Frankston because one of my colleague is taking up some lesson to do all those Healing for Body and Soul thingy... and she was going to intro me to someone whom she thinks may help me in some way...

Anyway, I didn't end up going because I was feeling tired in the morning and to drive down to Frankston takes probably nearly 2hrs from my place. So I decided to give it a missed... and decided to go to the Affortable Art Show at Old Exhibition instead.

I thought I would missed out this year's Affortable Art Show because of my full schedule this weekend... I'm glad I didn't miss it... I know there's a lot of Artworks have already been sold on Friday and Saturday... but browsing and walking around on the final day of exhibition still inspire me a lot and made me wanna paint again... soon...

Slowly... because if the WHY is big enough, the HOW will be shown to me...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Unprofessional Attitude in Workplace

[ richard carlson ] dont sweat the small stuff

Reached office and say "good morning" to her and she didn't even care to respond - how childish and immature huh??

Asked if she has received some documents because a provider was on the phone wanted to confirm, and she turned around and gave me the "extremely annoying and cranky what-now-look", and replied "unwillingly" with her usual bitchy and sharp sarcastic tone saying, "I don't know, need to check later because I'm busy." And the whole day she didn't even update me regarding...

I just do things as usual and pass her documents without holding any grudges, but it is written on her whole face and it shows on her body languages too that she's going to be like this towards me for WHO-KNOWS-HOW-LONG!

It makes it extremely difficult for me to work with her now as a team... because she doesn't place any records on system hence the only way for me to find out if we have received those documentations is to ask her directly... With her kinda attitude towards me now, asking her anything would only make her even more hostile towards me.

I don't quite know what to do now... I do wish to talk to her in person nicely, but with her still holding so much grudges and anger, there's no way we could "communicate" at all because she'd get even more hostile and I'll get upset because of her reactions.

The last resort is to talk to my manager regarding the situation but this is really something I wanna avoid... I mean, I see myself as an adult and I really do think that this sorta tiny problems should be solved between ourselves instead of getting OUR MANAGER involved. It is getting stupid and silly and very unprofessional...

It's really hard working with immature and unprofessional people... *sigh*

Sunday, April 06, 2008

First Acupuncture

[ rococo quartet ] por una cabeza

After missing many exits from the Freeways (I missed the exit at Tullamarine Freeway to my brother's place, and we missed the exit at Western Freeway and went all the way to Bacchus Marsh before making a U-turn)... All in all, we arrived to Melton Clinic about 40mins late!

My first impression of Nelson is that he is a bit too young (probably in his early 30s) and he is a Filipino (I think maybe it might just be me being unfair to question a non-Chinese's ability in practicing Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture?)... I must admit I had my doubts before the consultation session starts.

I have seen a lot of Doctors in these past few years and the more experience the Doctor is, the more he care less about you as a person (it's just like a truck driver, the longer he has been driving the truck, the reckless he'd become just because he is "used" to it)... Experienced Doctors only see us as just "numbers" and "patients" who come and go... They are lack of "passion" and they are just doing their job that is to give "symptomatic care" only...

I always wanted more from my Doctors but I haven't yet met a Doctor who makes me feel that they treat me as a real person instead of just a "number"... And when I met Nelson, I knew he is probably "the one" whom I could trust (at least in the mind and spirit kinda way)... We had a long talk (to understand each other and to confirm we are working towards the same directions)...

A person's eyes would not lie... A person's body language reveals a lot... We have similar mind-sets and I haven't met any person who actually "speak" my mind... I am feeling very comfortable talking to him... He might be young but I believe young people have more "passionate" in what they are doing and they'll put more effort in it (before they started to get bored or started to fall into the trap of doing things "routinely")...

I'll give him try and see what I could get out from it... I am actually very interested in seeing how he could work me up on the "Mind and Spirit" and what challenges he would give me to work on to incorporate with his treatment plans (Herbal & Acupuncture)...

My first Acupuncture was okay... No dramas, No pain... Piece of cake... Whether it was "effective" or not, I could not tell at all... My next appointment is 2 weeks later...
Looking forward to it!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Workplace Problems - HER again

[ rococo quartet ] por una cabeza

I have been in quite a lot of stressed these few days at work... and I felt that I'm stucked at the situation where a lot of "communication" is required, yet I have analysed every possible steps/ways but I still could not foresee any "win-win" case to solve the issues...

I always fix her mistakes quietly instead of pointing those mistakes or wrong doing out to let her acknowledge her own mistakes and to give her room of improvements... She is spoilt because of me... and nobody will find out about how incapable she is... I don't think it would do me any good if I told my new manager the honest truth because he would probably think I am just trying to say bad words about her to protect my own job...

YES, my manager thought of changing my job role just because he thinks that I have to battle with cancer and I may bring the team down if I were to take more days off in the future... In a way I understand his point of view, yet I do not think that arrangement works... He wanted me to train her up so that she could take over my role... and I know very well that she's incapable of taking up this role because of her laziness and poor organizational skills...

Now, if that really happens, I would think I'd be in the situation where... If I were to train her up, and if she couldn't pick things up (cos she isn't that smart really), they all may think it's ME who didn't teach her well probably because I wanted her to fail as I wasn't willing to hand her the role (especially IF I told my new manager now, that she isn't quite right for this role?)...

It's complicated... and I haven't slept well the past few days... and it sort of created a bit of "tension" between her and myself these few days...

Well, the other morning she took a correspondence away from my desk and told me she's going to follow up with that (because she is "prepared" to learn and take on my role)... I wasn't impressed because she doesn't keep things in file and keep records of what she does and if ONE DAY someone asks me about what's going on with that job, I will have no records of it and I will look terrible... IF this was her tasks to take care of these correspondence, I couldn't care less... but these are MY responsibility and she should have known she shouldn't have crossed it especially I am back to WORK now... it's not like I'm still in the hospital...

So I questioned her if she has finished her own stuffs and if she is now up to date with her filings/photocopying and etc (because she has been crying the previous day complaining to everyone that she's so stressed and overloaded with things that she has so many things to apply and to follow up)... If she already has so many things to do and follow up, how could she NOT trying to finish her own shit first? ...Is she a bit too eager and impatience or is she trying to proof something there? ...

I was quite annoyed and she was also offended by the way I questioned her... She knew she has crossed it and she just wasn't happy that for the first time I questioned her in this kinda way I guess... We haven't really spoken for 2 days... Let's hope after the weekend things would improve...

Complicated... but it certainly has given me a chance to think about the whole situations, the reality of this world, human behavior, my true feelings and thoughts, to re-evaluate and reflect my own actions and to check if I am actually being fair or naive and etc... Anyway, I am sure I'll find my way to deal with it... Life is all about learning how to deal with problems, isn't it?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Finally Met after 11yrs

[ 古巨基 ] 劲歌金曲2 - 情歌王

Sunday night I finally met up with a good friend whom I have known for 11 long years... I'm very happy to have finally met him in person after all those years... Though it was the first time we met in person, but we felt as if we have known each other for ages and it was great and we can chat non-stop if time wasn't the limit.

I was actually meant to meet up with him on Monday night after his D&D but my body was not up for it as I was still not fully recovered and I was feeling very weak and tired after my first day back to work... It's a pity...

Anyway, I managed to meet up with him for a quick dinner today after work, and sent him off to airport for him to catch his flight back to Perth... Thank goodness he managed to catch his flight on time (cos we were kinda running a little late)...

Well, hopefully we shall meet again someday soon...

Hmmm... who else I haven't met in person after all these years?
...Jason & Kenneth!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour @ Melbourne

[ 古巨基 ] 劲歌金曲2 - 情歌王

Did you participate on EARTH HOUR?
Shame on you if you didn't!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Pointless Action

[ 古巨基 ] 劲歌金曲2 - 情歌王

I received this email when I came back from the white cells yesterday...

I sincerely apologize for contacting you. I was genuinely concern.
I did not mean to transgress and impose on your space.
This email will be the last time I communicate with you.
I wish you health, happiness and all the best in your endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

Is it even necessary to write someone such an email? ...Exactly WHAT were the POINTS the sender is trying to make? ...To "apologize" yet trying to play a bit of "reverse psychology" hoping to make the reader feel little "sorry" and "guilty" cos this is the "last time" the sender will communicate with the recipient?

Here's the full story...

I was in the hospital the past few days and I received an sms from a friend who asked if I wanted to go to the Zoo. I told him I couldn't make it as I was admitted to hospital due to fever. I appreciated his concerned but he was a little "over-reacted"... Anyway, I reassured him that I'm FINE and will be out of hospital once my temperature is down... and I will sms him when I'm out of the hospital because mobile phone is NOT ALLOWED in hospital.

A day later, this friend CALLED me on my mobile while I was still in the hospital. I was extremely annoyed because I felt like he is intruding my space... Look, I do not think it is even appropriate to CALL someone when you knew they're in the hospital... The least you could do is to drop them an SMS (not to disturb them directly and give them plenty of time to rest and to reply whenever they are able to)... Most importantly, I have already made my point CLEAR to him that I could not use the phone in the hospital previously...

I didn't pick up his call of course... I replied him and told him I am doing fine and won't die any soon and I will sms everyone when I have been discharged from hospital, but until then do not CALL me as my phone is for emergency use in the hospital.

Anyway, I guess after that SMS he then sent me the above email to BOTH my email addresses (as if he was afraid that I didn't read it or missed out on it)...

Well, you could say I'm mean and cold blooded and cruel, but I get really annoyed when people don't give me enough space to breath... and I get even more annoyed when people sending me such email to apologize and wanted to give me space by making a BIG SCENE of "farewell"...

Is he a drama king or what? ... =)
I guess he has long sensed that I am trying to keep a distance from him since a few weeks ago...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Discharged from White Cell

[ 古巨基 ] 劲歌金曲2 - 情歌王

Just being discharged from the white cell at 9East, Room8 since Sunday night... Right hand is full of needle holes yet there's no finding of origin of the my on-and-off fever... 4 nights of living in the room wasn't too easy, yet it wasn't too tough as well (as there's Pay TV to entertain me, as well as magazines which family brought for me)...

It wasn't fear of death that got to me... it was actually the torment of "not knowing why" that hit me hard... I couldn't understand why my temperature going up and down like a roller coaster (which prevent me from going home to sleep on my own bed and having real food - hospital food sucks!)...

Hospital nurses are very kinda and caring, and I felt terrible to always have to push the "call" button to ask them to serve me (bring me water, bring me towel/changing clothes for shower, and etc)... It's way out of my comfort zone to request HELP from others especially with things that I was able to do it myself if I wasn't in this state... I dislike being taken care of like a weak... But I greatly appreciate the patience and the kindness of all the nurses as they are like angels to me...

My health is deteriorated due to this fever... but I hope my body will recover soon as I still have a long battle to confront... I still have a few things that I need to do before I'm willing to leave... I'll list them out so that they are not being overlooked nor missed out....

Anyway, I'm glad that I'm out of the white cell...
Sorry to have made my family and a few friends and many colleagues of mine worried these few days... I'll take great care of myself... and thanks for all your concerned... I'm getting better each day now!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Quest for Documentaries Online

[ sarah mclachlan] adia

Few years ago I came across a Documentary by Graham Hancock on TV while I was flipping channels during commercial break... and I only managed to watch the last 30mins of that documentary but I have remembered it since... and I found this documentary online by chance few days ago - "Quest of the Lost Civilization"... Love it! ...

I also found another documentary "Atlantis Reborn" which oppose Hancock's idea about his findings... It is quite interesting to watch as well... and the mystery of the Lost Civilization still remain unsolved... =)

There's all other interesting Documentaries (ie. Engineering an Empire, Lost Civilization Maya, In Search of Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Apocalypse, Rome Arena of Death, and etc) that I have watched over the past few days and I'm still browsing for more... =) ...

Anyway, was also wondering why they are not showing "Unexplained Mysteries - The Unreal World" in Oz...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


[ 徐佳瑩 ] 身騎白馬抒情版

Would you consider this is an action of betrayal if your partner told you there's "nothing" between him/her with a close friend/colleague and they are not even "possible" no matter what... but once both of you and your partner is seperated, he/she started to date/seeing that particular friend/colleague straight away?

When I said "nothing" and "impossible" with that particular someone... I always mean it... and I won't end up seeing/dating them no matter what... I'll keep my word...

But to the others... they might have meant what they said "at that time"... but don't be fooled as that is not a "promise" that valid til forever... cos whatever they have said to you earlier, would have been thrown out of the windows once you walked out from their lives...

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Brother's Wedding

[ ronan keating ] when you say nothing at all

After 7-8yrs of being together, Bro and Winnie has finally signed the paper and declared to friends and family that they are now a married couple!

Wishing them all the best and happily ever after!

(Note: this photo was taken by Elias... ain't this a beautiful shot?)...

Friday, March 07, 2008

Tasmania Trip (1st - 7th March)

[ fergie ] clumsy

Thanks to Rabbit for organizing the whole Tasmania trip... from booking both of our airfares to car rental and making reservations for our accommodations at Hobart and Cradle Mountain and etc... She's not only good in organizing trip, but she's also the greatest travel companion (and very safe driver too!)

1st March
Arrived Hobart and checking into City View Motel... Had Seafood buffet at Cove Restaurant at Hotel Grand Chancellor... The food there wasn't too bad but I didn't quite like the idea that they didn't place any ICE underneath/around the Salmon Sashimi and Fresh Oyster to keep the fresh and cold...

2nd March
Breakfast at Maldini Restaurant at Salamanca Place and checking out the young cute bikie (and also the cute friendly waiter who looks a bit like Matthew Broderick - Thanks to Rabbit for reminding me!)... hehe... It's a pity that we missed out on the Saturday Salamanca Market... Oh well, there's always next time, I guess?! ...We walked and shopped around in Hobart City before heading to Barilla Bay Restaurant for our seafood lunch!! Again, I didn't know there's a Farm Tours & Tasting at Barilla Bay or else I definitely won't missed it... Anyway, the Oyster and food at Barilla Bay is absolutely beauuuuuutiful...

We then headed to Richmond and start to take lotsa photos... And we also stopped by at Eaglehawk Neck to check out the Tessellated Pavement, Tasman Arch, Devil's Kitchen and the Blowhole before we headed to Port Arthur for our Ghost Tour at night!

I didn't do enough homework before I came to Tasmania, and I absolutely didn't know Port Arthur historical site is soooo big and it's absolutely worth visiting during the day... We arrived in the evening to join The Ghost Tour only, which was quite alright (thank goodness we didn't see anything scary stuff)... Rabbit is funny cos she deleted or refused to take any photos to avoid capturing any scary/unexpected stuff... lolx...

By the time we finished the Ghost Tour at Port Arthur and drove back to Hobart, it was nearly midnight and I think I had trouble sleeping that night... I kept hearing THINGS!!!!!

3rd March
Rabbit went to Cadbury Factory by herself in the morning while I was still dreaming in bed as I'm not a chocolate lover... hehe... After her visit to Cadbury Factory, we then checked-out from the City View Motel and headed to Cradle Mountain by pass Hamilton where there's this Glen Clyde House that offers the most yummy Cheese Chicken Scone... it was so yummy we even take-away two scones! ...

Lake St Clair National Park was the next stop and everyone over there carrying big backpacks (I think they all go there to camp and trek for days!)... We only stopped by for a short while before headed to Queenstown under the rain... The winding road near Queenstown was unforgettable as it was raining and I could see how high we were as I was driving uphill and downhill (there's no trees on road side at all cos it's a mining area)...

Anyway, I think we might have stopped at Rosebery or Tullah before reaching Cradle Mountain.... Ahhh.... Cradle Mountain Lodge is such a beautiful, warm and cozy place to stay... I still could smell the wood fire as I recall it now as I'm typing this... ahhhhhh =))

We had dinner at the Tavern Bar & Bistro at Cradle Mountain Lodge... It was quite crowded there and I think we headed back to our lodge and soaked in our own spa for a while before we called it a night...

4th March
Complimentary Buffet Breakfast at Highland Restaurant... OMG!!! ...I ate sooooo much because the breaky was sooooooooo yummy... The smoked salmon, the different types of Danish, mushrooms and scramble egg, the super beautiful porridge... and it's ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET BREAKY!!! ...I think we went for so many rounds we were so full at the end and didn't even feel hungry during lunch!

Ohhh... All I could think of now is the Fabulous Breakfast and I don't remember what did we do on the 4th March... lolx... I think we went for Enchanted Stroll, and then booked our Spa for next day, and checking out Tasmania Devils at the conservation park near the Lodge... and had a cuppa at the Cradle Mountain Cafe where we checked out the Helicopter ride (4 pax $190 each - 2 pax $330 each)... Too expensive to even take it... =((

We then went back to our Lodge and took the Kings Billy Track... It was kinda exhausted for me cos we had to walk uphill but when we reached to the top, the view was beautiful and we could see Cradle Mountain from there... After that, I think we went to The Waldheim Alpine Spa where we met the BITCH who see us as her enemies just because her boyfriend smiled at us politely when he entered the spa... Anyway, we went for Tavern for dinner again before we went back to our lodge to rest before joining for Native Animal Night Viewing Tour... We saw lotsa cute wombats, possums and pademelon and also two Tasmania Devils in the wild!!! ...Lucky hey?!

5th March
Again, the highlight in the morning was the complimentary buffet Breakfast... hehehe... We ate so much and so full again before checking out The Waterfalls Walk (Pencil Pine Falls and Knyvet Falls) to burn some energy since we had been eating so much! ...It didn't take us too long to finish the walk and went back to our lodge to wait till 130pm for our Canoe Tour at Dove Lake...

As I was taking a short nap, the Canoe Tour guide came to knock on our door and delivered the bad news... Canoe Tour has been cancelled due blizzard wind at Dove Lake... So we decided to join the Quad Bike Tour at 230pm!! ...

It's my first time on manual Quad Bike! ...So much fun driving my own!!! ...I was a bit worried because it's a bit different to riding a motorbike (and I haven't ridden a motorbike for more than 10yrs and I think I have only rode it not more than 3 times!??)... but it didn't take me too long to master the Quad Bike... I didn't ride as quick as the guys but hey, safety is more important ok!! ...hehe

After the Quad Bike tour, we then headed back to our lodge... Rabbit decided to do some laundry and took a relaxing Spa in our lodge, while I headed to the Tourist Center to catch the shutter bus at 520pm to Cradle Mountain National Park to check out Dove Lake by myself!

First arrived Dove Lake and it was beauuuuutiful... The lake was so peaceful and calm and Cradle Mountain was just right behind... I walked around the track (eventhough there's signs saying I should not walk by myself?)... Yeah, imagine if the Tasmanian Tiger appear infront of me and attack me yeah?! ...But it would be worth it if I get to see it (which thought to have became extinct now). Anyway, I missed the 630pm shutter bus to leave the National Park and had to sit there for 45mins for the next one... I didn't have a watch nor my mobile phone with me and I thought I have missed the last bus!! ...A bit PANIC at first until I found out I haven't missed the last shutter bus at 730pm... *phew*!!! ...

I think I got back to the Lodge nearly 8pm and quickly get changed to have dinner at Highland Restaurant for our 2 course meals! ...I had beef and Rabbit had salmon fish again... I think the whole trip she ate Salmon nearly everyday!!

6th March
I don't think we would ever get sick of the Buffet Breakfast at all... Ate so much again before checking out from Cradle Mountain to go to Tasmazia Maze near Sheffield... then headed to Sheffield the murals town... We met the very very cute and adorable Pablo... Isn't he a cutie?? ...Pablo's owner insisted that I have "Indian" blood in me and he described me a "handsome" lady... Hmmmm!!!!?? ...

Anyway, we reached Launceston in the evening and found a cheap hotel (can't remember which one!) and the room stink (people who stayed in the room previously probably smoked in the room?)... Oh well, it was just one night so we didn't bother to request for changing room...

Went for a drive at Tamar Valley and came back to Launceston... and it was a Thursday and there's no late night shopping... We went to catch the movie "10,000BC" instead... It was good enough to kill some time... but I still think Apocalypto is much better... =P

I guess I didn't enjoy my stay in Launceston as much as I expected... because I really really missed Cradle Mountain a lot... It was a great place to relax and stay away from city life and in touch with beautiful wilderness...

7th March
Woke up and strolled around the city of Launceston... Found the Coco Bean and tried their Tea Chocolate (cos a friend told me I must try it?)... but it failed to excite me... Perhaps we went to the wrong Chocolate shop hey??! ...

Had simple lunch at a food court and headed to Launceston Airport to catch the flight back to Melb....

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaap! ...Our trip ended just like that....
I still miss Cradle Mountain very much... I can still picture the yummy breakfast and the wilderness and peacefulness at Cradle Mountain Lodge and walkabout...

Perhaps next trip shall visit Cradle Mountain during Winter time!? ...Would be cool staying at the beautiful cozy lodge overlooking the snowy mountain.... The view must be very very beautiful.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I want more holidaysssssssssss....

Anyway, for more photos... check here

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shopping with Mum

[ 齊秦 ] 袖手旁觀

Initially I planned to shop for my dress for my bro's wedding... but I ended up shopping with mum at Malvern... Anyway, it was quite a driving distance from my place to Malvern, but having mum filling me in with all the news regarding my relatives in Msia, made the journey a little interesting...

Malvern has lotsa boutiques that's a little different... Mostly a bit mature for me, but mum was quite happy to find those shops which are different to the shops in Shopping Centres (High-Point or Chadstone).

Anyway, I bought a nice charcoal colour knee length pants which can be worn for office or leisure... I nearly bought the red bag too from the same shop, but I thought I shall look for my dress instead of buying more accessories... hehe...

Well, I think I spent quality time with mum today and found out lotsa details regarding my relatives in msia... Sometimes I would wonder why there's conflicts between the siblings when it comes to inherit the land/$$$... Well, I wouldn't mind if my parents give all their $$$ to my brother at all... I guess if you love your siblings enough, you wouldn't even be that calculative, yeah?? ...Hmm... but I'm sure every family has their own stories behind closed doors that I know not of...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

[ verve ] drugs don't work

Did you have a great Valentine's Day? ...
I didn't even feel it at all... but I did have an unusual Valentine's Day...

Drugs don't work... as more lesions found...
They said I'm still young and they'll absolutely help me find a drugs that works... I was devastated by the news as I thought there'd be good news... But not...

Didn't get any Valentine's flowers this year... My dearest gay friend has gone back to Msia for holidays... Normally he would give me flowers which he arranged during Valentine's... He is such a talented person as he could transform anything into beautiful things (flowers, paintings, drawings, and food!)...

Anyway, I have cancelled my plans for May as I thought I would be able to have a short holidays in Msia and HK/China... Oh well, until I have found the suitable drugs... I don't think I'd go anywhere...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Suzuki Night Market @ Queen Victoria Market

[ misia ] any love

I didn't think my Wednesday would be any different to the other Wednesday, but today was a little unusual... as it was a last minute decision to visit Suzuki Night Market at Queen Victoria Market.

Every year, I would make an effort to visit this Wednesday night market because I just love it there. There's so many arty stuff and a lot of home made and unique designs available... There's also hawker food stalls around as well as live performances for free... I guess it is also quite special as it is the ONLY night market in Melbourne and they only have it during Summer...

Anyway, I bought an Relaxation Pillow for eyes (filled with Lavender, Chamomile, rose and Millet filling) as well as a Moon Bag for neck&shoulder (filled with Lavender, Ginger, Sandlewood and wheat filling) which can be heated up in the Microwave for 2 mins, and it's good for aches, pains and tense muscles... They cost me Aud$40... hmmm... A little expensive but I really like it...

Also, I bought a Neckerchief from a stall called "The Girl Can't Help It" for my colleague as it was her birthday... The neckerchief is soooooooooooooooo pretty I really wanted one for myself too... but they don't have the one which I wanted (cos they no longer has the antique fabric or buckle for that particular patterns)... What a pity!!! ...But I still think they are really really pretty.... Love it!

I guess I'm into scarf and all these sort nowadays cos not only I could use them as hair bands, they also looks pretty when wrapping around the neck... I guess I feel more comfy with them than wearing necklace, eventhough I do like necklace too (edgy and unique ones only!) but rarely had the chance to wear them...

Anyway, my next stop next time would be:-
(1) Lost and Found market
(2) Rose Street Market

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chinese New Year in Melb

[ 恭喜恭喜 ]

I remember last year I went to almost every Chinese New Year celebrations in Melb (ie. Box Hill, Springvale, Richmond, Crown, Chinatown, except Footscray). This year I only went to Chinatown and Crown just to feel the atmosphere...

Anyway, Chinatown (Little Burke Street) was soooooo crowded I felt as if I was still walking at the same spot... Thankfully the weather wasn't that hot at all... Anyway, there were one dragon waiting in the middle of the road for the right time to perform... and at least 5 lion dances along Swanston Walk and Little Burke Street...

We had to get out of Chinatown because it was too crowded and we went the long way to Russell Street just to check out the stalls to see what they were offering this year... As usual, all those hawker stalls and bright red decorations for Chinese New Year... We bought a slice of yummy 肉干 (sorry, I don't really know what's the English name for this!) and slowly walked to Crown Casino as there's more along Yarra River...

Personally I prefer the Chinese New Year Celebration at Crown along the riverside... probably because it's more spacious and it's a nicer view along the river? ...Bought so many food to eat (Curry Fish Balls, "Apong Balik"), 豆腐花, and Green Tea Drinks)... If I hadn't have lunch earlier, I think I would have bought more food (ie. 猪肠粉, Satay, and PoPiah) ...Hmm... Actually the food there wasn't that great, it's just the atmosphere makes you wanna buy and eat (especially I miss those food as well).... =))

Anyway, such a tiring day... but that's my Chinese New Year during the weekend...
We already had our family dinner on Wed and Thursday night (Chinese New Year Eve and 1st day of Chinese New Year)...

Well, I hope you all have a Wonderful Chinese New Year 2008!!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

2nd Saturday

[ one republic ] stop & stare

I have spent a few hours on Thur night to design a Birthday invitation card for my colleague as she's holding a 40th birthday celebration coming March... Love doing all these little project for people around me... (No, I didn't get to design my brother's wedding invitation... grrrr!!)

Saturday morning I received an sms "Movie today?" from him... Pissed me off again due to that sms for some reason... Look, if that sms was little longer and little nicer / polite, perhaps I would think about it... Even when I ask friends out, I would ask nicely with a longer sms to invite them to catch up or NOT to give them a sense of "just-want-to-kill-time-cos-Im-so-bored" kinda-thing! ...Well, Let's not talk about this cos I could blah-blah-blah the whole day...

Anyway, my weekend was quite nice... Though I didn't get to watch "Sweeney Todd" but we bought a new cordless phone with answering machine (to keep away those annoying telemarketing calls)... hehehe... We went shopping at High-Point because we need to find nice outfit for Bro's wedding!

I saw a pretty summer dress which is nice enough for the wedding, but I still need to shop a little bit more before I lock it in... =) ... Let's hope the pretty dress would still be available if I couldn't find any nice dress by mid Feb!! ....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Long Weekend

[ 楊宗緯 ] 洋蔥

I hope you have a great long weekend... cos mine was very boring... =/
Two long lost friends sms me this weekend as if they knew I'm free this weekend? ... but I have been VERY anti-social mood lately and I choose not to go out... and I spent my long weekend watching "3rd Rock from The Sun"...

I shall go for Summer Zoo Twilight next week and watch Sweedney Todds too as Rabbit highly recommended it!! ...(Oh come on! ...It will be good as it's Johnny Depp!!!)...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Half & Half

[ 蕭煌奇 ] 一半一半

I was just browsing around and came across this song...
The lyric is beautiful...

白天一半 晚上一半 善良一半 邪惡一半
男人一半 女人一半 真的一半 假的一半
白天一半 晚上一半 善良一半 邪惡一半
男人一半 女人一半 真的一半 假的一半

佛的世界一半 魔的世界也一半
你一半 我一半
這個世間 誰也無法統一另一半

努力好的一半 壞的一半自然減少
接受美好的一半 包容短缺的一半
努力好的一半 壞的一半自然減少
接受美好的一半 包容短缺的一半

Saturday, January 26, 2008

1st Saturday...

[ 盧巧音 & 王力宏 ] 好心分手

My 1st very own Saturday... on Australia Day...

I spent the day with a good friend whom I last seen since last November... to catch up, to bitch about the ups and downs in our lives (he blah-blah-blah more than I did!!), to eat and drink like people who hasn't eaten for ages, and to comfort each other! Though it was just a few hours in the afternoon, but it was still one great step to keep myself occupied...

Bro's family is home for dinner and I was busy playing with Russell (the doggy) with the tennis ball... I was meant to throw the tennis ball very hard on the floor so that it would bounce back in the air, and Russell could jump and catch it.... and I accidentally hit Russell's eyes with the tennis ball!!! ...I knew it was very painful because I hit it hard... Poor Russell was in pain and I felt terrible!!!! ...Thankfully after a few minutes of short rest, he was active and running about again.... *phew*... but I still feel terrible for hitting him... Poor Russell, I buy you pig's ears next time... =)

At the moment, I'm kinda at my anti-social mood... I wish not to meet anyone nor talk to anyone about anything... It's still very uncomfortable (with mixed feelings)... but I promise I'll come out and play when I have enough rest... Looking forward to March for my Tassie trip with Rabbit and my brother's wedding...

I'll spend some time working on my next project... I'll have more time now...

Saturday, January 12, 2008


[ 輕鬆玩樂團 ] 看清

He is not that into you... if he always walk ahead and leave you behind...

He is not that into you... if he doesn't reply your sms soon enough...

He is not that into you... if he doesn't share or include you in his life...

He is not that into you... if he is not willing to hold your hand in public...
He is not that into you... if he doesn't let anybody knows he is seeing you...
He is not that into you... if he says he is not ready for a relationship...

He is not that into you...
...if he doesn't even try to stop you from leaving him...

He is just not that into you...